Source code for yank.experiment

#!/usr/bin/env python

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Tools to build Yank experiments from a YAML configuration file.

This is not something that should be normally invoked by the user, and instead
created by going through the Command Line Interface with the ``yank script`` command.


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import os
import copy
import yaml
import logging
import collections

import openmmtools as mmtools
import openmoltools as moltools
from simtk import unit, openmm
from import PDBFile, AmberPrmtopFile
from schema import Schema, And, Or, Use, Optional, SchemaError

from . import utils, pipeline, mpi, restraints, repex
from .yank import AlchemicalPhase, Topography

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

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HIGHEST_VERSION = '1.3'  # highest version of YAML syntax

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[docs]def to_openmm_app(input_string): """ Converter function to be used with :func:`yank.utils.validate_parameters`. Parameters ---------- input_string : str Method name of to fetch Returns ------- method : Method of Returns{input_string} """ return getattr(, input_string)
[docs]def convert_if_quantity(value): """ Try to convert a passed value to quantity Parameters ---------- value : int, float, or simtk.unit.Quantity as string This function tries to take a string which can be converted to a quantity with the :func:`yank.utils.quantity_from_string`, or just a number Returns ------- output : value or simtk.unit.Quantity Returns either the Quantity which was converted from string, or the original value. """ try: quantity = utils.quantity_from_string(value) except: return value return quantity
# ============================================================================== # UTILITY CLASSES # ==============================================================================
[docs]class YamlParseError(Exception): """Represent errors occurring during parsing of Yank YAML file.""" def __init__(self, message): super(YamlParseError, self).__init__(message) logger.error(message)
[docs]class YankLoader(yaml.Loader): """PyYAML Loader that recognized !Combinatorial nodes and load OrderedDicts.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(YankLoader, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.add_constructor(u'!Combinatorial', self.combinatorial_constructor) self.add_constructor(u'!Ordered', self.ordered_constructor) @staticmethod
[docs] def combinatorial_constructor(loader, node): """Constructor for YAML !Combinatorial entries.""" return utils.CombinatorialLeaf(loader.construct_sequence(node))
[docs] def ordered_constructor(loader, node): """Constructor for YAML !Ordered tag.""" loader.flatten_mapping(node) return collections.OrderedDict(loader.construct_pairs(node))
[docs]class YankDumper(yaml.Dumper): """PyYAML Dumper that always return sequences in flow style and maps in block style.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(YankDumper, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.add_representer(utils.CombinatorialLeaf, self.combinatorial_representer) self.add_representer(collections.OrderedDict, self.ordered_representer) def represent_sequence(self, tag, sequence, flow_style=None): return yaml.Dumper.represent_sequence(self, tag, sequence, flow_style=True) def represent_mapping(self, tag, mapping, flow_style=None): return yaml.Dumper.represent_mapping(self, tag, mapping, flow_style=False) @staticmethod
[docs] def combinatorial_representer(dumper, data): """YAML representer CombinatorialLeaf nodes.""" return dumper.represent_sequence(u'!Combinatorial', data)
[docs] def ordered_representer(dumper, data): """YAML representer OrderedDict nodes.""" return dumper.represent_mapping(u'!Ordered', data)
# ============================================================================== # BUILDER CLASS # ==============================================================================
[docs]class AlchemicalPhaseFactory(object): """ YANK simulation phase entirely contained as one object. Creates a full phase to simulate, expects Replica Exchange simulation for now. Parameters ---------- sampler : yank.repex.ReplicaExchange Sampler which will carry out the simulation thermodynamic_state : openmmtools.states.ThermodynamicState Reference thermodynamic state without any alchemical modifications sampler_states : openmmtools.states.SamplerState Sampler state to initilize from, including the positions of the atoms topography : yank.yank.Topography Topography defining the ligand atoms and other atoms protocol : dict of lists Alchemical protocol to create states from. Format should be ``{parameter_name : parameter_values}`` where ``parameter_name`` is the name of the specific alchemical parameter (e.g. ``lambda_sterics``), and ``parameter_values`` is a list of values for that parameter where each entry is one state. Each of the ``parameter_values`` lists for every ``parameter_name`` should be the same length. storage : yank.repex.Reporter or str Reporter object to use, or file path to create the reporter at Will be a :class:`yank.repex.Reporter` internally if str is given restraint : yank.restraint.ReceptorLigandRestraint or None, Optional, Default: None Optional restraint to apply to the system alchemical_regions : openmmtools.alchemy.AlchemicalRegion or None, Optional, Default: None Alchemical regions which define which atoms to modify. alchemical_factory : openmmtools.alchemy.AbsoluteAlchemicalFactory, Optional, Default: None Alchemical factory with which to create the alchemical system with if you don't want to use all the previously defined options. This is passed on to :class:`yank.yank.AlchemicalPhase` metadata : dict Additional metdata to pass on to :class:`yank.yank.AlchemicalPhase` options : dict Additional options to setup the rest of the process. See the DEFAULT_OPTIONS for this class in the source code or look at the *options* header for the YAML options. """ DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { 'anisotropic_dispersion_cutoff': 'auto', 'minimize': True, 'minimize_tolerance': 1.0 * unit.kilojoules_per_mole/unit.nanometers, 'minimize_max_iterations': 0, 'randomize_ligand': False, 'randomize_ligand_sigma_multiplier': 2.0, 'randomize_ligand_close_cutoff': 1.5 * unit.angstrom, 'number_of_equilibration_iterations': 0, 'equilibration_timestep': 1.0 * unit.femtosecond, 'checkpoint_interval': 10, 'store_solute_trajectory': True, 'integrator_splitting': "V R O R V", } def __init__(self, sampler, thermodynamic_state, sampler_states, topography, protocol, storage, restraint=None, alchemical_regions=None, alchemical_factory=None, metadata=None, **options): self.sampler = sampler self.thermodynamic_state = thermodynamic_state self.sampler_states = sampler_states self.topography = topography self.protocol = protocol = storage self.restraint = restraint self.alchemical_regions = alchemical_regions self.alchemical_factory = alchemical_factory self.metadata = metadata self.options = self.DEFAULT_OPTIONS.copy() self.options.update(options)
[docs] def create_alchemical_phase(self): """ Create the alchemical phase based on all the options This only creates it, but does nothing else to prepare for simulations. The ``initialize_alchemical_phase`` will actually minimize, randomize ligand, and/or equilibrate if requested. Returns ------- alchemical_phase : yank.yank.AlchemicalPhase See Also -------- initialize_alchemical_phase """ alchemical_phase = AlchemicalPhase(self.sampler) create_kwargs = self.__dict__.copy() create_kwargs.pop('options') create_kwargs.pop('sampler') # Create a reporter if this is only a path. if isinstance(, str): checkpoint_interval = self.options['checkpoint_interval'] # Get the solute atoms if self.options['store_solute_trajectory']: solute_atoms = self.topography.solute_atoms if checkpoint_interval == 1: logger.warning("WARNING! You have specified both a solute-only trajectory AND a checkpoint " "interval of 1! You are about write the trajectory of the solute twice!\n" "This can be okay if you are running explicit solvent and want faster retrieval " "of the solute atoms, but in implicit solvent, this is redundant.") else: solute_atoms = () # We don't allow checkpoint file overwriting in YAML file reporter = repex.Reporter(, checkpoint_interval=checkpoint_interval, analysis_particle_indices=solute_atoms) create_kwargs['storage'] = reporter = reporter dispersion_cutoff = self.options['anisotropic_dispersion_cutoff'] # This will be None or an option alchemical_phase.create(anisotropic_dispersion_cutoff=dispersion_cutoff, **create_kwargs) return alchemical_phase
[docs] def initialize_alchemical_phase(self): """ Create and set all the initial options for the alchemical phase This minimizes, randomizes_ligand, and equilibrates the alchemical_phase on top of creating it, if the various options are set Returns ------- alchemical_phase : yank.yank.AlchemicalPhase """ alchemical_phase = self.create_alchemical_phase() # Minimize if requested. if self.options['minimize']: tolerance = self.options['minimize_tolerance'] max_iterations = self.options['minimize_max_iterations'] alchemical_phase.minimize(tolerance=tolerance, max_iterations=max_iterations) # Randomize ligand if requested. if self.options['randomize_ligand']: sigma_multiplier = self.options['randomize_ligand_sigma_multiplier'] close_cutoff = self.options['randomize_ligand_close_cutoff'] alchemical_phase.randomize_ligand(sigma_multiplier=sigma_multiplier, close_cutoff=close_cutoff) # Equilibrate if requested. if self.options['number_of_equilibration_iterations'] > 0: n_iterations = self.options['number_of_equilibration_iterations'] if self.options['integrator_splitting'] is not None: mcmc_move = mmtools.mcmc.LangevinSplittingDynamicsMove(timestep=self.options['equilibration_timestep'], collision_rate=90.0 / unit.picosecond, n_steps=500, reassign_velocities=True, n_restart_attempts=6, splitting=self.options['integrator_splitting'], measure_shadow_work=False, measure_heat=False) else: mcmc_move = mmtools.mcmc.LangevinDynamicsMove(timestep=self.options['equilibration_timestep'], collision_rate=90.0/unit.picosecond, n_steps=500, reassign_velocities=True, n_restart_attempts=6) alchemical_phase.equilibrate(n_iterations, mcmc_moves=mcmc_move) return alchemical_phase
[docs]class Experiment(object): """ An experiment built by :class:`ExperimentBuilder`. This is a completely defined experiment with all parameters and settings ready to go. It is highly recommended to **NOT** use this class directly, and instead rely on the :class:`ExperimentBuilder` class to parse all options, configure all phases, properly set up the experiments, and even run them. These experiments are frequently created with the :func:`ExperimentBuilder.build_experiments` method. Parameters ---------- phases : list of yank.yank.AlchemicalPhases Phases to run for the experiment number_of_iterations : int or infinity Total number of iterations each phase will be run for. Both ``float('inf')`` and ``numpy.inf`` are accepted for infinity. switch_phase_interval : int Number of iterations each phase will be run before the cycling to the next phase Attributes ---------- iteration See Also -------- ExperimentBuilder """ def __init__(self, phases, number_of_iterations, switch_phase_interval): self.phases = phases self.number_of_iterations = number_of_iterations self.switch_phase_interval = switch_phase_interval self._phases_last_iterations = [None, None] self._are_phases_completed = [False, False] @property def iteration(self): """pair of int, Current total number of iterations which have been run for each phase.""" if None in self._phases_last_iterations: return 0, 0 return self._phases_last_iterations @property def is_completed(self): return all(self._are_phases_completed)
[docs] def run(self, n_iterations=None): """ Run the experiment Runs until either the maximum number of iterations have been reached or the sampler for that phase reports its own completion (e.g. online analysis) Parameters ---------- n_iterations : int or None, Optional, Default: None Optional parameter to run for a finite number of iterations instead of up to the maximum number of iterations. """ # Handle default argument. if n_iterations is None: n_iterations = self.number_of_iterations # Handle case in which we don't alternate between phases. if self.switch_phase_interval <= 0: switch_phase_interval = self.number_of_iterations # Count down the iterations to run. iterations_left = [None, None] while iterations_left != [0, 0]: # Alternate phases every switch_phase_interval iterations. for phase_id, phase in enumerate(self.phases): # Phases may get out of sync if the user delete the storage # file of only one phase and restart. Here we check that the # phase still has iterations to run before creating it. if self._are_phases_completed[phase_id]: iterations_left[phase_id] = 0 continue # If this is a new simulation, initialize alchemical phase. if isinstance(phase, AlchemicalPhaseFactory): alchemical_phase = phase.initialize_alchemical_phase() self.phases[phase_id] = # Should automatically be a Reporter class else: # Resume previous simulation. alchemical_phase = AlchemicalPhase.from_storage(phase) # Update total number of iterations. This may write the new number # of iterations in the storage file so we do it only if necessary. if alchemical_phase.number_of_iterations != self.number_of_iterations: alchemical_phase.number_of_iterations = self.number_of_iterations # Determine number of iterations to run in this function call. if iterations_left[phase_id] is None: total_iterations_left = self.number_of_iterations - alchemical_phase.iteration iterations_left[phase_id] = min(n_iterations, total_iterations_left) # Run simulation for iterations_left or until we have to switch phase. iterations_to_run = min(iterations_left[phase_id], switch_phase_interval) try: except utils.SimulationNaNError: # Simulation has NaN'd, this experiment is done, flag phases as done and send error up stack self._are_phases_completed = [True] * len(self._are_phases_completed) raise # Check if the phase has converged. self._are_phases_completed[phase_id] = alchemical_phase.is_completed # Update phase iteration info. iterations_to_run may be infinity # if number_of_iterations is. if iterations_to_run == float('inf') and self._are_phases_completed[phase_id]: iterations_left[phase_id] = 0 else: iterations_left[phase_id] -= iterations_to_run self._phases_last_iterations[phase_id] = alchemical_phase.iteration # Delete alchemical phase and prepare switching. del alchemical_phase
[docs]class ExperimentBuilder(object): """Parse YAML configuration file and build the experiment. The relative paths indicated in the script are assumed to be relative to the script directory. However, if ExperimentBuilder is initiated with a string rather than a file path, the paths will be relative to the user's working directory. The class firstly perform a dry run to check if this is going to overwrite some files and raises an exception if it finds already existing output folders unless the options resume_setup or resume_simulation are True. Parameters ---------- script : str or dict A path to the YAML script or the YAML content. If not specified, you can load it later by using :func:`parse` (default is None). job_id : None or int If you want to split the experiments among different executions, you can set this to an integer 0 <= job_id <= n_jobs-1, and this :class:`ExperimentBuilder` will run only 1/n_jobs of the experiments. n_jobs : None or int If ``job_id`` is specified, this is the total number of jobs that you are running in parallel from your script. See Also -------- Experiment Examples -------- >>> import textwrap >>> import openmmtools as mmtools >>> import yank.utils >>> setup_dir = yank.utils.get_data_filename(os.path.join('..', 'examples', ... 'p-xylene-implicit', 'input')) >>> pxylene_path = os.path.join(setup_dir, 'p-xylene.mol2') >>> lysozyme_path = os.path.join(setup_dir, '181L-pdbfixer.pdb') >>> with mmtools.utils.temporary_directory() as tmp_dir: ... yaml_content = ''' ... --- ... options: ... number_of_iterations: 1 ... output_dir: {} ... molecules: ... T4lysozyme: ... filepath: {} ... p-xylene: ... filepath: {} ... antechamber: ... charge_method: bcc ... solvents: ... vacuum: ... nonbonded_method: NoCutoff ... systems: ... my_system: ... receptor: T4lysozyme ... ligand: p-xylene ... solvent: vacuum ... leap: ... parameters: [leaprc.gaff, leaprc.ff14SB] ... protocols: ... absolute-binding: ... complex: ... alchemical_path: ... lambda_electrostatics: [1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2, 0.0] ... lambda_sterics: [1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2, 0.0] ... solvent: ... alchemical_path: ... lambda_electrostatics: [1.0, 0.8, 0.6, 0.3, 0.0] ... lambda_sterics: [1.0, 0.8, 0.6, 0.3, 0.0] ... experiments: ... system: my_system ... protocol: absolute-binding ... '''.format(tmp_dir, lysozyme_path, pxylene_path) >>> yaml_builder = ExperimentBuilder(textwrap.dedent(yaml_content)) >>> yaml_builder.run_experiments() """ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Public API # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # These are options that can be specified only in the main "options" section. GENERAL_DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { 'verbose': False, 'resume_setup': False, 'resume_simulation': False, 'output_dir': 'output', 'setup_dir': 'setup', 'experiments_dir': 'experiments', 'platform': 'fastest', 'precision': 'auto', 'switch_experiment_interval': 0, 'processes_per_experiment': None } # These options can be overwritten also in the "experiment" # section and they can be thus combinatorially expanded. EXPERIMENT_DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { 'switch_phase_interval': 0, 'temperature': 298 * unit.kelvin, 'pressure': 1 * unit.atmosphere, 'constraints':, 'hydrogen_mass': 1 * unit.amu, 'nsteps_per_iteration': 500, 'timestep': 2.0 * unit.femtosecond, 'collision_rate': 1.0 / unit.picosecond, 'mc_displacement_sigma': 10.0 * unit.angstroms } def __init__(self, script=None, job_id=None, n_jobs=None): """ Constructor """ # Check consistency job_id and n_jobs. if job_id is not None: if n_jobs is None: raise ValueError('n_jobs must be specified together with job_id') if not 0 <= job_id <= n_jobs: raise ValueError('job_id must be between 0 and n_jobs ({})'.format(n_jobs)) self._job_id = job_id self._n_jobs = n_jobs self._options = self.GENERAL_DEFAULT_OPTIONS.copy() self._options.update(self.EXPERIMENT_DEFAULT_OPTIONS.copy()) self._version = None self._script_dir = os.getcwd() # basic dir for relative paths self._db = None # Database containing molecules created in parse() self._raw_yaml = {} # Unconverted input YAML script, helpful for self._expanded_raw_yaml = {} # Raw YAML with selective keys chosen and blank dictionaries for missing keys self._protocols = {} # Alchemical protocols description self._experiments = {} # Experiments description # Parse YAML script if script is not None: self.parse(script)
[docs] def update_yaml(self, script): """ Update the current yaml content and reparse it Parameters ---------- script : str or dict String which accepts multiple forms of YAML content that is one of the following: File path to the YAML file String containing all the YAML data Dict of yaml content you wish to replace See Also -------- utils.update_nested_dict """ current_content = self._raw_yaml try: with open(script, 'r') as f: new_content = yaml.load(f, Loader=YankLoader) except IOError: # string new_content = yaml.load(script, Loader=YankLoader) except TypeError: # dict new_content = script.copy() combined_content = utils.update_nested_dict(current_content, new_content) self.parse(combined_content)
[docs] def parse(self, script): """Parse the given YAML configuration file. Validate the syntax and load the script into memory. This does not build the actual experiment. Parameters ---------- script : str or dict A path to the YAML script or the YAML content. Raises ------ YamlParseError If the input YAML script is syntactically incorrect. """ # TODO check version of yank-yaml language # TODO what if there are multiple streams in the YAML file? # Load YAML script and decide working directory for relative paths try: with open(script, 'r') as f: yaml_content = yaml.load(f, Loader=YankLoader) self._script_dir = os.path.dirname(script) except IOError: # string yaml_content = yaml.load(script, Loader=YankLoader) except TypeError: # dict yaml_content = script.copy() self._raw_yaml = yaml_content.copy() # Check that YAML loading was successful if yaml_content is None: raise YamlParseError('The YAML file is empty!') if not isinstance(yaml_content, dict): raise YamlParseError('Cannot load YAML from source: {}'.format(script)) # Check version (currently there's only one) try: self._version = yaml_content['version'] except KeyError: self._version = HIGHEST_VERSION else: if self._version != HIGHEST_VERSION: raise ValueError('Unsupported syntax version {}'.format(self._version)) # Expand combinatorial molecules and systems yaml_content = self._expand_molecules(yaml_content) yaml_content = self._expand_systems(yaml_content) # Save raw YAML content that will be needed when generating the YAML files self._expanded_raw_yaml = copy.deepcopy({key: yaml_content.get(key, {}) for key in ['options', 'molecules', 'solvents', 'systems', 'protocols']}) # Validate options and overwrite defaults self._options.update(self._validate_options(yaml_content.get('options', {}), validate_general_options=True)) # Setup general logging utils.config_root_logger(self._options['verbose'], log_file_path=None) # Configure ContextCache, platform and precision. A Yank simulation # currently needs 3 contexts: 1 for the alchemical states and 2 for # the states with expanded cutoff. platform = self._configure_platform(self._options['platform'], self._options['precision']) try: mmtools.cache.global_context_cache.platform = platform except RuntimeError: # The cache has been already used. Empty it before switching platform. mmtools.cache.global_context_cache.empty() mmtools.cache.global_context_cache.platform = platform mmtools.cache.global_context_cache.capacity = 3 # Initialize and configure database with molecules, solvents and systems setup_dir = os.path.join(self._options['output_dir'], self._options['setup_dir']) self._db = pipeline.SetupDatabase(setup_dir=setup_dir) self._db.molecules = self._validate_molecules(yaml_content.get('molecules', {})) self._db.solvents = self._validate_solvents(yaml_content.get('solvents', {})) = self._validate_systems(yaml_content.get('systems', {})) # Validate protocols self._protocols = self._validate_protocols(yaml_content.get('protocols', {})) # Validate experiments self._parse_experiments(yaml_content)
[docs] def run_experiments(self): """ Set up and run all the Yank experiments. See Also -------- Experiment """ # Throw exception if there are no experiments if len(self._experiments) == 0: raise YamlParseError('No experiments specified!') # Setup and run all experiments with paths relative to the script directory with moltools.utils.temporary_cd(self._script_dir): self._check_resume() self._setup_experiments() self._generate_experiments_protocols() # Find all the experiments to distribute among mpicomms. all_experiments = [experiment for experiment in self._expand_experiments()] processes_per_experiment = self._options['processes_per_experiment'] # Cycle between experiments every switch_experiment_interval iterations # until all of them are done. while len(all_experiments) > 0: # Distribute experiments across MPI communicators if requested completed = [False] * len(all_experiments) if processes_per_experiment is None: for exp_index, exp in enumerate(all_experiments): completed[exp_index] = self._run_experiment(exp) else: completed = mpi.distribute(self._run_experiment, distributed_args=all_experiments, group_nodes=processes_per_experiment, send_results_to='all') # Remove any completed experiments, releasing possible parallel resources to be reused # Evaluate in reverse order to avoid shuffling indices for exp_index in range(len(all_experiments)-1, -1, -1): # This will evaluate True for any "True" entry, and any "SimulationNaNError" entries # NaN'd simulations handled within the experiment itself. if completed[exp_index]: all_experiments.pop(exp_index)
[docs] def build_experiments(self): """ Generator to configure, build, and yield an experiment Yields ------ Experiment """ # Throw exception if there are no experiments if len(self._experiments) == 0: raise YamlParseError('No experiments specified!') # Setup and iterate over all experiments with paths relative to the script directory with moltools.utils.temporary_cd(self._script_dir): self._check_resume() self._setup_experiments() self._generate_experiments_protocols() for experiment_path, combination in self._expand_experiments(): yield self._build_experiment(experiment_path, combination)
[docs] def setup_experiments(self): """ Set up all Yank experiments without running them """ # Throw exception if there are no experiments if len(self._experiments) == 0: raise YamlParseError('No experiments specified!') # All paths must be relative to the script directory with moltools.utils.temporary_cd(self._script_dir): self._check_resume(check_experiments=False) self._setup_experiments()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Properties # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def output_dir(self): """The path to the main output directory.""" return self._options['output_dir'] @output_dir.setter def output_dir(self, new_output_dir): self._options['output_dir'] = new_output_dir self._db.setup_dir = os.path.join(new_output_dir, self.setup_dir) @property def setup_dir(self): """The path to the setup files directory relative to the output folder..""" return self._options['setup_dir'] @setup_dir.setter def setup_dir(self, new_setup_dir): self._options['setup_dir'] = new_setup_dir self._db.setup_dir = os.path.join(self.output_dir, new_setup_dir) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Options handling # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _determine_experiment_options(self, experiment): """Determine all the options required to build the experiment. Merge the options specified in the experiment section with the ones in the options section, and divide them into several dictionaries to feed to different main classes necessary to create an AlchemicalPhase. Parameters ---------- experiment : dict The dictionary encoding the experiment. Returns ------- experiment_options : dict The ExperimentBuilder experiment options. This does not contain the general ExperimentBuilder options that are accessible through self._options. phase_options : dict The options to pass to the AlchemicalPhaseFactory constructor. sampler_options : dict The options to pass to the ReplicaExchange constructor. alchemical_region_options : dict The options to pass to AlchemicalRegion. """ # First discard general options. options = {name: value for name, value in self._options.items() if name not in self.GENERAL_DEFAULT_OPTIONS} # Then update with specific experiment options. options.update(experiment.get('options', {})) def _filter_options(reference_options): return {name: value for name, value in options.items() if name in reference_options} experiment_options = _filter_options(self.EXPERIMENT_DEFAULT_OPTIONS) phase_options = _filter_options(AlchemicalPhaseFactory.DEFAULT_OPTIONS) sampler_options = _filter_options(utils.get_keyword_args(repex.ReplicaExchange.__init__)) alchemical_region_options = _filter_options(mmtools.alchemy._ALCHEMICAL_REGION_ARGS) return experiment_options, phase_options, sampler_options, alchemical_region_options # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Combinatorial expansion # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _expand_molecules(self, yaml_content): """Expand combinatorial molecules. Generate new YAML content with no combinatorial molecules. The new content is identical to the old one but combinatorial molecules are substituted by the description of all the non-combinatorial molecules that they generate. Moreover, systems that use combinatorial molecules are updated with the new molecules ids. Parameters ---------- yaml_content : dict The YAML content as returned by yaml.load(). Returns ------- expanded_content : dict The new YAML content with combinatorial molecules expanded. """ expanded_content = copy.deepcopy(yaml_content) if 'molecules' not in expanded_content: return expanded_content # First substitute all 'select: all' with the correct combination of indices for comb_mol_name, comb_molecule in utils.dictiter(expanded_content['molecules']): if 'select' in comb_molecule and comb_molecule['select'] == 'all': # Get the number of models in the file extension = os.path.splitext(comb_molecule['filepath'])[1][1:] # remove dot with moltools.utils.temporary_cd(self._script_dir): if extension == 'pdb': n_models = PDBFile(comb_molecule['filepath']).getNumFrames() elif extension == 'csv' or extension == 'smiles': n_models = len(pipeline.read_csv_lines(comb_molecule['filepath'], lines='all')) elif extension == 'sdf' or extension == 'mol2': if not utils.is_openeye_installed(oetools=('oechem',)): err_msg = 'Molecule {}: Cannot "select" from {} file without OpenEye toolkit' raise RuntimeError(err_msg.format(comb_mol_name, extension)) n_models = len(utils.load_oe_molecules(comb_molecule['filepath'])) else: raise YamlParseError('Molecule {}: Cannot "select" from {} file'.format( comb_mol_name, extension)) # Substitute select: all with list of all models indices to trigger combinations comb_molecule['select'] = utils.CombinatorialLeaf(range(n_models)) # Expand molecules and update molecule ids in systems expanded_content = utils.CombinatorialTree(expanded_content) update_nodes_paths = [('systems', '*', 'receptor'), ('systems', '*', 'ligand'), ('systems', '*', 'solute')] expanded_content = expanded_content.expand_id_nodes('molecules', update_nodes_paths) return expanded_content def _expand_systems(self, yaml_content): """Expand combinatorial systems. Generate new YAML content with no combinatorial systems. The new content is identical to the old one but combinatorial systems are substituted by the description of all the non-combinatorial systems that they generate. Moreover, the experiments that use combinatorial systems are updated with the new system ids. Molecules must be already expanded when calling this function. Parameters ---------- yaml_content : dict The YAML content as returned by _expand_molecules(). Returns ------- expanded_content : dict The new YAML content with combinatorial systems expanded. """ expanded_content = copy.deepcopy(yaml_content) if 'systems' not in expanded_content: return expanded_content # Check if we have a sequence of experiments or a single one try: if isinstance(expanded_content['experiments'], list): # sequence of experiments experiment_names = expanded_content['experiments'] else: experiment_names = ['experiments'] except KeyError: experiment_names = [] # Expand molecules and update molecule ids in experiments expanded_content = utils.CombinatorialTree(expanded_content) update_nodes_paths = [(e, 'system') for e in experiment_names] expanded_content = expanded_content.expand_id_nodes('systems', update_nodes_paths) return expanded_content def _expand_experiments(self): """Generates all possible combinations of experiment. Each generated experiment is uniquely named. If job_id and n_jobs are set, this returns only the experiments assigned to this particular job. Returns ------- experiment_path : str A unique path where to save the experiment output files relative to the main output directory specified by the user in the options. combination : dict The dictionary describing a single experiment. """ # We need to distribute experiments among jobs, but different # experiments sectiona may have a different number of combinations, # so we need to count them. experiment_id = 0 output_dir = '' for exp_name, experiment in utils.dictiter(self._experiments): if len(self._experiments) > 1: output_dir = exp_name # Loop over all combinations for name, combination in experiment.named_combinations(separator='_', max_name_length=50): if self._job_id is None or experiment_id % self._n_jobs == self._job_id: yield os.path.join(output_dir, name), combination experiment_id += 1 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parsing and syntax validation # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Shared schema for leap parameters. Molecules, solvents and systems use it. # Simple strings are converted to list of strings. _LEAP_PARAMETERS_SCHEMA = {'parameters': And(Use(lambda p: [p] if isinstance(p, str) else p), [str])} @classmethod def _validate_options(cls, options, validate_general_options): """Validate molecules syntax. Parameters ---------- options : dict A dictionary with the options to validate. validate_general_options : bool If False only the options that can be specified in the experiment section are validated. Returns ------- validated_options : dict The validated options. Raises ------ YamlParseError If the syntax for any option is not valid. """ template_options = cls.EXPERIMENT_DEFAULT_OPTIONS.copy() template_options.update(AlchemicalPhaseFactory.DEFAULT_OPTIONS) template_options.update(mmtools.alchemy._ALCHEMICAL_REGION_ARGS) template_options.update(utils.get_keyword_args(repex.ReplicaExchange.__init__)) if validate_general_options is True: template_options.update(cls.GENERAL_DEFAULT_OPTIONS.copy()) # Remove options that are not supported. template_options.pop('mcmc_moves') # ReplicaExchange template_options.pop('alchemical_atoms') # AlchemicalRegion template_options.pop('alchemical_bonds') template_options.pop('alchemical_angles') template_options.pop('alchemical_torsions') # Some options need to be treated differently. def integer_or_infinity(value): if value != float('inf'): value = int(value) return value def check_anisotropic_cutoff(cutoff): if cutoff == 'auto': return cutoff else: return utils.process_unit_bearing_str(cutoff, unit.angstroms) special_conversions = {'constraints': to_openmm_app, 'number_of_iterations': integer_or_infinity, 'anisotropic_dispersion_cutoff': check_anisotropic_cutoff} # Validate parameters try: validated_options = utils.validate_parameters(options, template_options, check_unknown=True, process_units_str=True, float_to_int=True, special_conversions=special_conversions) except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: raise YamlParseError(str(e)) return validated_options @classmethod def _validate_molecules(cls, molecules_description): """Validate molecules syntax. Parameters ---------- molecules_description : dict A dictionary representing molecules. Returns ------- validated_molecules : dict The validated molecules description. Raises ------ YamlParseError If the syntax for any molecule is not valid. """ def is_peptide(filepath): """Input file is a peptide.""" if not os.path.isfile(filepath): raise SchemaError('File path does not exist.') extension = os.path.splitext(filepath)[1] if extension == '.pdb': return True return False def is_small_molecule(filepath): """Input file is a small molecule.""" file_formats = frozenset(['mol2', 'sdf', 'smiles', 'csv']) if not os.path.isfile(filepath): raise SchemaError('File path does not exist.') extension = os.path.splitext(filepath)[1][1:] if extension in file_formats: return True return False validated_molecules = molecules_description.copy() # Define molecules Schema epik_schema = utils.generate_signature_schema(moltools.schrodinger.run_epik, update_keys={'select': int}, exclude_keys=['extract_range']) common_schema = {Optional('leap'): cls._LEAP_PARAMETERS_SCHEMA, Optional('openeye'): {'quacpac': 'am1-bcc'}, Optional('antechamber'): {'charge_method': Or(str, None)}, Optional('epik'): epik_schema} molecule_schema = Or( utils.merge_dict({'smiles': str}, common_schema), utils.merge_dict({'name': str}, common_schema), utils.merge_dict({'filepath': is_small_molecule, Optional('select'): Or(int, 'all')}, common_schema), {'filepath': is_peptide, Optional('select'): Or(int, 'all'), Optional('leap'): cls._LEAP_PARAMETERS_SCHEMA, Optional('strip_protons'): bool} ) # Schema validation for molecule_id, molecule_descr in utils.dictiter(molecules_description): try: validated_molecules[molecule_id] = molecule_schema.validate(molecule_descr) # Check OpenEye charges - antechamber consistency if 'openeye' in validated_molecules[molecule_id]: if not 'antechamber' in validated_molecules[molecule_id]: raise YamlParseError('Cannot specify openeye charges without antechamber') if validated_molecules[molecule_id]['antechamber']['charge_method'] is not None: raise YamlParseError('Antechamber charge_method must be "null" to read ' 'OpenEye charges') # Convert epik "select" to "extract_range" which is accepted by run_epik() try: extract_range = validated_molecules[molecule_id]['epik'].pop('select') validated_molecules[molecule_id]['epik']['extract_range'] = extract_range except (AttributeError, KeyError): pass # Create empty parameters list if not specified if 'leap' not in validated_molecules[molecule_id]: validated_molecules[molecule_id]['leap'] = {'parameters': []} except SchemaError as e: raise YamlParseError('Molecule {}: {}'.format(molecule_id,[-1])) return validated_molecules @classmethod def _validate_solvents(cls, solvents_description): """Validate molecules syntax. Parameters ---------- solvents_description : dict A dictionary representing solvents. Returns ------- validated_solvents : dict The validated solvents description. Raises ------ YamlParseError If the syntax for any solvent is not valid. """ def to_explicit_solvent(nonbonded_method_str): """Check OpenMM explicit solvent.""" openmm_app = to_openmm_app(nonbonded_method_str) if openmm_app == raise ValueError('Nonbonded method cannot be NoCutoff.') return openmm_app def to_no_cutoff(nonbonded_method_str): """Check OpenMM implicit solvent or vacuum.""" openmm_app = to_openmm_app(nonbonded_method_str) if openmm_app != raise ValueError('Nonbonded method must be NoCutoff.') return openmm_app def is_supported_solvent_model(solvent_model): """Check that solvent model name is supported.""" return solvent_model in pipeline._OPENMM_LEAP_SOLVENT_MODELS_MAP validated_solvents = solvents_description.copy() # Define solvents Schema explicit_schema = utils.generate_signature_schema(AmberPrmtopFile.createSystem, update_keys={'nonbonded_method': Use(to_explicit_solvent)}, exclude_keys=['implicit_solvent']) explicit_schema.update({Optional('clearance'): Use(utils.to_unit_validator(unit.angstrom)), Optional('solvent_model', default='tip4pew'): is_supported_solvent_model, Optional('positive_ion'): str, Optional('negative_ion'): str, Optional('ionic_strength', default=0.0*unit.molar): Use(utils.to_unit_validator(unit.molar))}) implicit_schema = utils.generate_signature_schema(AmberPrmtopFile.createSystem, update_keys={'implicit_solvent': Use(to_openmm_app), Optional('nonbonded_method'): Use(to_no_cutoff)}, exclude_keys=['rigid_water']) vacuum_schema = utils.generate_signature_schema(AmberPrmtopFile.createSystem, update_keys={'nonbonded_method': Use(to_no_cutoff)}, exclude_keys=['rigid_water', 'implicit_solvent']) # Common schema to all types of solvents for schema in [explicit_schema, implicit_schema, vacuum_schema]: schema.update({Optional('leap'): cls._LEAP_PARAMETERS_SCHEMA}) solvent_schema = Schema(Or(explicit_schema, implicit_schema, vacuum_schema)) # Schema validation for solvent_id, solvent_descr in utils.dictiter(solvents_description): try: validated_solvents[solvent_id] = solvent_schema.validate(solvent_descr) except SchemaError as e: raise YamlParseError('Solvent {}: {}'.format(solvent_id,[-1])) # Create empty parameters list if not specified if 'leap' not in validated_solvents[solvent_id]: validated_solvents[solvent_id]['leap'] = {'parameters': []} return validated_solvents @staticmethod def _validate_protocols(protocols_description): """Validate protocols. Parameters ---------- protocols_description : dict A dictionary representing protocols. Returns ------- validated_protocols : dict The validated protocols description. Raises ------ YamlParseError If the syntax for any protocol is not valid. """ def sort_protocol(protocol): """Reorder phases in dictionary to have complex/solvent1 first.""" sortables = [('complex', 'solvent'), ('solvent1', 'solvent2')] for sortable in sortables: # Phases names must be unambiguous, they can't contain both names phase1 = [(k, v) for k, v in utils.dictiter(protocol) if (sortable[0] in k and sortable[1] not in k)] phase2 = [(k, v) for k, v in utils.dictiter(protocol) if (sortable[1] in k and sortable[0] not in k)] # Phases names must be unique if len(phase1) == 1 and len(phase2) == 1: return collections.OrderedDict([phase1[0], phase2[0]]) # Could not find any sortable raise SchemaError('Phases must contain either "complex" and "solvent"' 'or "solvent1" and "solvent2"') validated_protocols = protocols_description.copy() # Define protocol Schema lambda_list = [And(float, lambda l: 0.0 <= l <= 1.0)] quantity_list = [Use(utils.quantity_from_string)] alchemical_path_schema = {'alchemical_path': Or( 'auto', {'lambda_sterics': lambda_list, 'lambda_electrostatics': lambda_list, Optional(str): Or(lambda_list, quantity_list)} )} protocol_schema = Schema(And( lambda v: len(v) == 2, {str: alchemical_path_schema}, Or(collections.OrderedDict, Use(sort_protocol)) )) # Schema validation for protocol_id, protocol_descr in utils.dictiter(protocols_description): try: validated_protocols[protocol_id] = protocol_schema.validate(protocol_descr) except SchemaError as e: raise YamlParseError('Protocol {}: {}'.format(protocol_id,[-1])) return validated_protocols def _validate_systems(self, systems_description): """Validate systems. Receptors, ligands, and solvents must be already loaded. If they are not found an exception is raised. Parameters ---------- yaml_content : dict The dictionary representing the YAML script loaded by yaml.load() Returns ------- validated_systems : dict The validated systems description. Raises ------ YamlParseError If the syntax for any experiment is not valid. """ def is_known_molecule(molecule_id): if molecule_id in self._db.molecules: return True raise SchemaError('Molecule ' + molecule_id + ' is unknown.') def is_known_solvent(solvent_id): if solvent_id in self._db.solvents: return True raise SchemaError('Solvent ' + solvent_id + ' is unknown.') def is_pipeline_solvent(solvent_id): is_known_solvent(solvent_id) solvent = self._db.solvents[solvent_id] if (solvent['nonbonded_method'] != and 'clearance' not in solvent): raise SchemaError('Explicit solvent {} does not specify ' 'clearance.'.format(solvent_id)) return True def system_files(type): def _system_files(files): """Paths to amber/gromacs/xml files. Return them in alphabetical order of extension [*.inpcrd/gro/pdb, *.prmtop/top/xml].""" provided_extensions = [os.path.splitext(filepath)[1][1:] for filepath in files] if type == 'amber': expected_extensions = ['inpcrd', 'prmtop'] elif type == 'gromacs': expected_extensions = ['gro', 'top'] elif type == 'openmm': expected_extensions = ['pdb', 'xml'] # Check if extensions are expected. correct_type = sorted(provided_extensions) == sorted(expected_extensions) if not correct_type: err_msg = ('Wrong system file types provided.\n' 'Extensions provided: {}\n' 'Expected extensions: {}').format( sorted(provided_extensions), sorted(expected_extensions)) logger.debug(err_msg) raise SchemaError(err_msg) else: logger.debug('Correctly recognized files {} as {}'.format(files, expected_extensions)) # Check if given files exist. for filepath in files: if not os.path.isfile(filepath): raise YamlParseError('File path {} does not exist.'.format(filepath)) # Return files in alphabetical order of extension. return [filepath for (ext, filepath) in sorted(zip(provided_extensions, files))] return _system_files # Define experiment Schema validated_systems = systems_description.copy() # Schema for DSL specification with system files. dsl_schema = {Optional('ligand_dsl'): str, Optional('solvent_dsl'): str} # System schema. system_schema = Schema(Or( {'receptor': is_known_molecule, 'ligand': is_known_molecule, 'solvent': is_pipeline_solvent, Optional('pack', default=False): bool, Optional('leap'): self._LEAP_PARAMETERS_SCHEMA}, {'solute': is_known_molecule, 'solvent1': is_pipeline_solvent, 'solvent2': is_pipeline_solvent, Optional('leap'): self._LEAP_PARAMETERS_SCHEMA}, utils.merge_dict(dsl_schema, {'phase1_path': Use(system_files('amber')), 'phase2_path': Use(system_files('amber')), 'solvent': is_known_solvent}), utils.merge_dict(dsl_schema, {'phase1_path': Use(system_files('amber')), 'phase2_path': Use(system_files('amber')), 'solvent1': is_known_solvent, 'solvent2': is_known_solvent}), utils.merge_dict(dsl_schema, {'phase1_path': Use(system_files('gromacs')), 'phase2_path': Use(system_files('gromacs')), 'solvent': is_known_solvent, Optional('gromacs_include_dir'): os.path.isdir}), utils.merge_dict(dsl_schema, {'phase1_path': Use(system_files('gromacs')), 'phase2_path': Use(system_files('gromacs')), 'solvent1': is_known_solvent, 'solvent2': is_known_solvent, Optional('gromacs_include_dir'): os.path.isdir}), utils.merge_dict(dsl_schema, {'phase1_path': Use(system_files('openmm')), 'phase2_path': Use(system_files('openmm'))}) )) # Schema validation for system_id, system_descr in utils.dictiter(systems_description): try: validated_systems[system_id] = system_schema.validate(system_descr) # Create empty parameters list if not specified if 'leap' not in validated_systems[system_id]: validated_systems[system_id]['leap'] = {'parameters': []} except SchemaError as e: raise YamlParseError('System {}: {}'.format(system_id,[-1])) return validated_systems def _parse_experiments(self, yaml_content): """Validate experiments. Perform dry run and validate system, protocol and options of every combination. Systems and protocols must be already loaded. If they are not found, an exception is raised. Experiments options are validated as well. Parameters ---------- yaml_content : dict The dictionary representing the YAML script loaded by yaml.load() Raises ------ YamlParseError If the syntax for any experiment is not valid. """ def is_known_system(system_id): if system_id in return True raise SchemaError('System ' + system_id + ' is unknown.') def is_known_protocol(protocol_id): if protocol_id in self._protocols: return True raise SchemaError('Protocol ' + protocol_id + ' is unknown') def validate_experiment_options(options): return ExperimentBuilder._validate_options(options, validate_general_options=False) # Check if there is a sequence of experiments or a single one. # We need to have a deterministic order of experiments so that # if we run multiple experiments in parallel, we won't have # multiple processes running the same one. try: if isinstance(yaml_content['experiments'], list): combinatorial_trees = [(exp_name, utils.CombinatorialTree(yaml_content[exp_name])) for exp_name in yaml_content['experiments']] else: combinatorial_trees = [('experiments', utils.CombinatorialTree(yaml_content['experiments']))] self._experiments = collections.OrderedDict(combinatorial_trees) except KeyError: self._experiments = collections.OrderedDict() return # Restraint schema contains type and optional parameters. restraint_schema = {'type': Or(str, None), Optional(str): object} # Define experiment Schema experiment_schema = Schema({'system': is_known_system, 'protocol': is_known_protocol, Optional('options'): Use(validate_experiment_options), Optional('restraint'): restraint_schema}) # Schema validation for experiment_path, experiment_descr in self._expand_experiments(): try: experiment_schema.validate(experiment_descr) except SchemaError as e: raise YamlParseError('Experiment {}: {}'.format(experiment_path,[-1])) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # File paths utilities # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_experiment_dir(self, experiment_path): """Return the path to the directory where the experiment output files should be stored. Parameters ---------- experiment_path : str The relative path w.r.t. the main experiments directory (determined through the options) of the experiment-specific subfolder. """ return os.path.join(self._options['output_dir'], self._options['experiments_dir'], experiment_path) def _get_nc_file_paths(self, experiment_path, experiment): """Return the paths to the two output .nc files of the experiment. Parameters ---------- experiment_path : str The relative path w.r.t. the main experiments directory of the experiment-specific subfolder. experiment : dict The dictionary describing the single experiment. Returns ------- list of str A list with the path of the .nc files for the two phases. """ protocol = self._protocols[experiment['protocol']] experiment_dir = self._get_experiment_dir(experiment_path) # The order of the phases needs to be well defined for this to make sense. assert isinstance(protocol, collections.OrderedDict) return [os.path.join(experiment_dir, name + '.nc') for name in protocol.keys()] def _get_experiment_file_name(self, experiment_path): """Return the extension-less path to use for files referring to the experiment. Parameters ---------- experiment_path : str The relative path w.r.t. the main experiments directory of the experiment-specific subfolder. """ experiment_dir = self._get_experiment_dir(experiment_path) if experiment_path == '': log_file_name = 'experiments' else: # Normalize path to drop eventual final slash character. log_file_name = os.path.normpath(os.path.basename(experiment_path)) return os.path.join(experiment_dir, log_file_name) def _get_generated_yaml_script_path(self, experiment_path): """Return the path for the generated single-experiment YAML script.""" return self._get_experiment_file_name(experiment_path) + '.yaml' def _get_experiment_log_path(self, experiment_path): """Return the path for the experiment log file.""" return self._get_experiment_file_name(experiment_path) + '.log' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Resuming # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _check_resume_experiment(self, experiment_path, experiment): """Check if Yank output files already exist. Parameters ---------- experiment_path : str The relative path w.r.t. the main experiments directory of the experiment-specific subfolder. experiment : dict The dictionary describing the single experiment. Returns ------- bool True if NetCDF output files already exist, or if the protocol needs to be found automatically, and the generated YAML file exists, False otherwise. """ # If protocol has automatic alchemical paths to generate, # check if generated YAML script exist. protocol = self._protocols[experiment['protocol']] automatic_phases = self._find_automatic_protocol_phases(protocol) yaml_generated_script_path = self._get_generated_yaml_script_path(experiment_path) if len(automatic_phases) > 0 and os.path.exists(yaml_generated_script_path): return True # Look for existing .nc files in the folder phase_paths = self._get_nc_file_paths(experiment_path, experiment) for phase_path in phase_paths: if os.path.isfile(phase_path) and os.path.getsize(phase_path) > 0: return True return False @mpi.on_single_node(0, sync_nodes=True) def _check_resume(self, check_setup=True, check_experiments=True): """Perform dry run to check if we are going to overwrite files. If we find folders that ExperimentBuilder should create we raise an exception unless resume_setup or resume_simulation are found, in which case we assume we need to use the existing files. We never overwrite files, the user is responsible to delete them or move them. It's important to check all possible combinations at the beginning to avoid interrupting the user simulation after few experiments. Parameters ---------- check_setup : bool Check if we are going to overwrite setup files (default is True). check_experiments : bool Check if we are going to overwrite experiment files (default is True). Raises ------ YamlParseError If files to write already exist and we resuming options are not set. """ err_msg = '' for experiment_path, combination in self._expand_experiments(): if check_experiments: resume_sim = self._options['resume_simulation'] if not resume_sim and self._check_resume_experiment(experiment_path, combination): experiment_dir = self._get_experiment_dir(experiment_path) err_msg = 'experiment files in directory {}'.format(experiment_dir) solving_option = 'resume_simulation' if check_setup and err_msg == '': resume_setup = self._options['resume_setup'] system_id = combination['system'] # Check system and molecule setup dirs is_sys_setup, is_sys_processed = self._db.is_system_setup(system_id) if is_sys_processed and not resume_setup: system_dir = os.path.dirname( self._db.get_system_files_paths(system_id)[0].position_path) err_msg = 'system setup directory {}'.format(system_dir) elif not is_sys_setup: # then this must go through the pipeline try: # binding free energy system receptor_id =[system_id]['receptor'] ligand_id =[system_id]['ligand'] molecule_ids = [receptor_id, ligand_id] except KeyError: # partition/solvation free energy system molecule_ids = [[system_id]['solute']] for molecule_id in molecule_ids: is_processed = self._db.is_molecule_setup(molecule_id)[1] if is_processed and not resume_setup: err_msg = 'molecule {} file'.format(molecule_id) break if err_msg != '': solving_option = 'resume_setup' # Check for errors if err_msg != '': err_msg += (' already exists; cowardly refusing to proceed. Move/delete ' 'directory or set {} options').format(solving_option) raise YamlParseError(err_msg) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OpenMM Platform configuration # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def _opencl_device_support_precision(precision_model): """ Check if this device supports the given precision model for OpenCL platform. Some OpenCL devices do not support double precision. This offers a test function. Returns ------- is_supported : bool True if this device supports double precision for OpenCL, False otherwise. """ opencl_platform = openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName('OpenCL') # Platforms are singleton so we need to store # the old precision model before modifying it old_precision = opencl_platform.getPropertyDefaultValue('OpenCLPrecision') # Test support by creating a toy context opencl_platform.setPropertyDefaultValue('Precision', precision_model) system = openmm.System() system.addParticle(1.0 * unit.amu) # system needs at least 1 particle integrator = openmm.VerletIntegrator(1.0 * unit.femtoseconds) try: context = openmm.Context(system, integrator, opencl_platform) is_supported = True except Exception: is_supported = False else: del context del integrator # Restore old precision opencl_platform.setPropertyDefaultValue('Precision', old_precision) return is_supported @classmethod def _configure_platform(cls, platform_name, platform_precision): """ Configure the platform to be used for simulation for the given precision. Parameters ---------- platform_name : str The name of the platform to be used for execution. If 'fastest', the fastest available platform is used. platform_precision : str or None The precision to be used. If 'auto' the default value is used, which is always mixed precision except for Reference that only supports double precision, and OpenCL when the device supports only single precision. If None, the precision mode won't be set, so OpenMM default value will be used which is always 'single' for CUDA and OpenCL. Returns ------- platform : simtk.openmm.Platform The configured platform. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the given precision model selected is not compatible with the platform. """ # Determine the platform to configure if platform_name == 'fastest': platform = mmtools.utils.get_fastest_platform() platform_name = platform.getName() else: platform = openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName(platform_name) # Use only a single CPU thread if we are using the CPU platform. # TODO: Since there is an environment variable that can control this, # TODO: we may want to avoid doing this. mpicomm = mpi.get_mpicomm() if platform_name == 'CPU' and mpicomm is not None: logger.debug("Setting 'CpuThreads' to 1 because MPI is active.") platform.setPropertyDefaultValue('CpuThreads', '1') # If user doesn't specify precision, determine default value if platform_precision == 'auto': if platform_name == 'CUDA': platform_precision = 'mixed' elif platform_name == 'OpenCL': if cls._opencl_device_support_precision('mixed'): platform_precision = 'mixed' else:"This device does not support double precision for OpenCL. " "Setting OpenCL precision to 'single'") platform_precision = 'single' elif platform_name == 'Reference' or platform_name == 'CPU': platform_precision = None # leave OpenMM default precision # Set platform precision if platform_precision is not None:"Setting {} platform to use precision model " "'{}'.".format(platform_name, platform_precision)) if platform_name == 'CUDA': platform.setPropertyDefaultValue('Precision', platform_precision) elif platform_name == 'OpenCL': # Some OpenCL devices do not support double precision so we need to test it if cls._opencl_device_support_precision(platform_precision): platform.setPropertyDefaultValue('Precision', platform_precision) else: raise RuntimeError('This device does not support double precision for OpenCL.') elif platform_name == 'Reference': if platform_precision != 'double': raise RuntimeError("Reference platform does not support precision model '{}';" "only 'double' is supported.".format(platform_precision)) elif platform_name == 'CPU': if platform_precision != 'mixed': raise RuntimeError("CPU platform does not support precision model '{}';" "only 'mixed' is supported.".format(platform_precision)) else: # This is an unkown platform raise RuntimeError("Found unknown platform '{}'.".format(platform_name)) return platform # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Experiment setup # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _setup_experiments(self): """Set up all experiments without running them. IMPORTANT: This does not check if we are about to overwrite files, nor it cd into the script directory! Use setup_experiments() for that. """ # Create setup directory if it doesn't exist. os.makedirs(self.setup_dir, exist_ok=True) # Configure log file for setup. setup_log_file_path = os.path.join(self.setup_dir, 'setup.log') utils.config_root_logger(self._options['verbose'], setup_log_file_path) # Setup all systems. self._db.setup_all_systems() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Automatic alchemical path generation # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def _find_automatic_protocol_phases(protocol): """Return the list of phase names in the protocol whose alchemical path must be generated automatically.""" assert isinstance(protocol, collections.OrderedDict) phases_to_generate = [] for phase_name in protocol: if protocol[phase_name]['alchemical_path'] == 'auto': phases_to_generate.append(phase_name) return phases_to_generate def _generate_experiments_protocols(self): """Go through all experiments and generate auto alchemical paths.""" # Find all experiments that have at least one phase whose # alchemical path needs to be generated automatically. experiments_to_generate = [] for experiment_path, experiment in self._expand_experiments(): # First check if we have already generated the path for it. script_filepath = self._get_generated_yaml_script_path(experiment_path) if os.path.isfile(script_filepath): continue # Determine output directory and create it if it doesn't exist. self._safe_makedirs(os.path.dirname(script_filepath)) # Check if any of the phases needs to have its path generated. protocol = self._protocols[experiment['protocol']] phases_to_generate = self._find_automatic_protocol_phases(protocol) if len(phases_to_generate) > 0: experiments_to_generate.append((experiment_path, experiment)) else: # Export YAML file for reproducibility. self._generate_yaml(experiment, script_filepath) # Parallelize generation of all protocols among nodes. mpi.distribute(self._generate_experiment_protocol, distributed_args=experiments_to_generate, group_nodes=1, sync_nodes=True) def _generate_experiment_protocol(self, experiment, constrain_receptor=True, n_equilibration_iterations=None, **kwargs): """Generate auto alchemical paths for the given experiment. Creates a YAML script in the experiment folder with the found protocol. Parameters ---------- experiment : tuple (str, dict) A tuple with the experiment path and the experiment description. constrain_receptor : bool, optional If True, the receptor in a receptor-ligand system will have its CA atoms constrained during optimization (default is True). n_equilibration_iterations : None or int The number of equilibration iterations to perform before running the path search. If None, the function will determine the number of iterations to run based on the system dimension. Other Parameters ---------------- kwargs : dict Other parameters to pass to pipeline.find_alchemical_protocol(). """ class DummyReporter(object): """A dummy reporter since we don't need to store repex stuff on disk.""" def nothing(self, *args, **kwargs): """This serves both as an attribute and a callable.""" pass def __getattr__(self, _): return self.nothing # Unpack experiment argument that has been distributed among nodes. experiment_path, experiment = experiment # Maybe only a subset of the phases need to be generated. protocol = self._protocols[experiment['protocol']] phases_to_generate = self._find_automatic_protocol_phases(protocol) # Build experiment. exp = self._build_experiment(experiment_path, experiment) # Generate protocols. optimal_protocols = collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(phases_to_generate) for phase_idx, phase_name in enumerate(phases_to_generate): logger.debug('Generating alchemical path for {}.{}'.format(experiment_path, phase_name)) phase = exp.phases[phase_idx] state_parameters = [] is_vacuum = len(phase.topography.receptor_atoms) == 0 and len(phase.topography.solvent_atoms) == 0 # We may need to slowly turn on a Boresch restraint. if isinstance(phase.restraint, restraints.Boresch): state_parameters.append(('lambda_restraints', [0.0, 1.0])) # We support only lambda sterics and electrostatics for now. if is_vacuum and not phase.alchemical_regions.annihilate_electrostatics: state_parameters.append(('lambda_electrostatics', [1.0, 1.0])) else: state_parameters.append(('lambda_electrostatics', [1.0, 0.0])) if is_vacuum and not phase.alchemical_regions.annihilate_sterics: state_parameters.append(('lambda_sterics', [1.0, 1.0])) else: state_parameters.append(('lambda_sterics', [1.0, 0.0])) # We only need to create a single state. phase.protocol = {par[0]: [par[1][0]] for par in state_parameters} # Remove unsampled state that we don't need for the optimization. phase.options['anisotropic_dispersion_correction'] = False # If default argument is used, determine number of equilibration iterations. # TODO automatic equilibration? if n_equilibration_iterations is None: if is_vacuum: # Vacuum or small molecule in implicit solvent. n_equilibration_iterations = 0 elif len(phase.topography.receptor_atoms) == 0: # Explicit solvent phase. n_equilibration_iterations = 250 elif len(phase.topography.solvent_atoms) == 0: # Implicit complex phase. n_equilibration_iterations = 500 else: # Explicit complex phase n_equilibration_iterations = 1000 # Set number of equilibration iterations. phase.options['number_of_equilibration_iterations'] = n_equilibration_iterations # Use a reporter that doesn't write anything to save time. = DummyReporter() # Create the thermodynamic state exactly as AlchemicalPhase would make it. alchemical_phase = phase.initialize_alchemical_phase() # Get sampler and thermodynamic state and delete alchemical phase. thermodynamic_state = alchemical_phase._sampler._thermodynamic_states[0] sampler_state = alchemical_phase._sampler._sampler_states[0] mcmc_move = alchemical_phase._sampler.mcmc_moves[0] del alchemical_phase # Restrain the receptor heavy atoms to avoid drastic # conformational changes (possibly after equilibration). if len(phase.topography.receptor_atoms) != 0 and constrain_receptor: receptor_atoms_set = set(phase.topography.receptor_atoms) # Check first if there are alpha carbons. If not, restrain all carbons. restrained_atoms = [atom.index for atom in phase.topography.topology.atoms if is 'CA' and atom.index in receptor_atoms_set] if len(restrained_atoms) == 0: # Select all carbon atoms of the receptor. restrained_atoms = [atom.index for atom in phase.topography.topology.atoms if atom.element.symbol is 'C' and atom.index in receptor_atoms_set] mmtools.forcefactories.restrain_atoms(thermodynamic_state, sampler_state, restrained_atoms, sigma=3.0*unit.angstroms) # Find protocol. alchemical_path = pipeline.trailblaze_alchemical_protocol(thermodynamic_state, sampler_state, mcmc_move, state_parameters, **kwargs) optimal_protocols[phase_name] = alchemical_path # Generate yaml script with updated protocol. script_path = self._get_generated_yaml_script_path(experiment_path) protocol = copy.deepcopy(self._protocols[experiment['protocol']]) for phase_name, alchemical_path in optimal_protocols.items(): protocol[phase_name]['alchemical_path'] = alchemical_path self._generate_yaml(experiment, script_path, overwrite_protocol=protocol) @mpi.on_single_node(rank=0, sync_nodes=True) def _generate_yaml(self, experiment, file_path, overwrite_protocol=None): """Generate the minimum YAML file needed to reproduce the experiment. Parameters ---------- experiment : dict The dictionary describing a single experiment. file_path : str The path to the file to save. overwrite_protocol : None or dict If not None, this protocol description will be used instead of the one in the original YAML file. """ yaml_dir = os.path.dirname(file_path) sys_descr =[experiment['system']] # system description # Molecules section data try: try: # binding free energy molecule_ids = [sys_descr['receptor'], sys_descr['ligand']] except KeyError: # partition/solvation free energy molecule_ids = [sys_descr['solute']] mol_section = {mol_id: self._expanded_raw_yaml['molecules'][mol_id] for mol_id in molecule_ids} # Copy to avoid modifying _expanded_raw_yaml when updating paths mol_section = copy.deepcopy(mol_section) except KeyError: # user provided directly system files mol_section = {} # Solvents section data try: # binding free energy solvent_ids = [sys_descr['solvent']] except KeyError: # partition/solvation free energy try: solvent_ids = [sys_descr['solvent1'], sys_descr['solvent2']] except KeyError: # from xml/pdb system files assert 'phase1_path' in sys_descr solvent_ids = [] sol_section = {sol_id: self._expanded_raw_yaml['solvents'][sol_id] for sol_id in solvent_ids} # Systems section data system_id = experiment['system'] sys_section = {system_id: copy.deepcopy(self._expanded_raw_yaml['systems'][system_id])} # Protocols section data protocol_id = experiment['protocol'] if overwrite_protocol is None: prot_section = {protocol_id: self._expanded_raw_yaml['protocols'][protocol_id]} else: prot_section = {protocol_id: overwrite_protocol} # We pop the options section in experiment and merge it to the general one exp_section = experiment.copy() opt_section = self._expanded_raw_yaml['options'].copy() opt_section.update(exp_section.pop('options', {})) # Convert relative paths to new script directory for molecule in mol_section.values(): if 'filepath' in molecule and not os.path.isabs(molecule['filepath']): molecule['filepath'] = os.path.relpath(molecule['filepath'], yaml_dir) try: # systems for which user has specified directly system files for phase in ['phase2_path', 'phase1_path']: for path in sys_section[system_id][phase]: sys_section[system_id][path] = os.path.relpath(path, yaml_dir) except KeyError: # system went through pipeline pass try: # output directory output_dir = opt_section['output_dir'] except KeyError: output_dir = self.GENERAL_DEFAULT_OPTIONS['output_dir'] if not os.path.isabs(output_dir): opt_section['output_dir'] = os.path.relpath(output_dir, yaml_dir) # If we are converting a combinatorial experiment into a # single one we must set the correct experiment directory experiment_dir = os.path.relpath(yaml_dir, output_dir) if experiment_dir != self.GENERAL_DEFAULT_OPTIONS['experiments_dir']: opt_section['experiments_dir'] = experiment_dir # Create YAML with the sections in order dump_options = {'Dumper': YankDumper, 'line_break': '\n', 'indent': 4} yaml_content = yaml.dump({'version': self._version}, explicit_start=True, **dump_options) yaml_content += yaml.dump({'options': opt_section}, **dump_options) if mol_section: yaml_content += yaml.dump({'molecules': mol_section}, **dump_options) if sol_section: yaml_content += yaml.dump({'solvents': sol_section}, **dump_options) yaml_content += yaml.dump({'systems': sys_section}, **dump_options) yaml_content += yaml.dump({'protocols': prot_section}, **dump_options) yaml_content += yaml.dump({'experiments': exp_section}, **dump_options) # Export YAML into a file with open(file_path, 'w') as f: f.write(yaml_content) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Experiment building # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def _save_analysis_script(results_dir, phase_names): """Store the analysis information about phase signs for analyze.""" analysis = [[phase_names[0], 1], [phase_names[1], -1]] analysis_script_path = os.path.join(results_dir, 'analysis.yaml') with open(analysis_script_path, 'w') as f: yaml.dump(analysis, f) @mpi.on_single_node(rank=0, sync_nodes=True) def _safe_makedirs(self, directory): """Create directory and avoid race conditions. This is executed only on node 0 to avoid race conditions. The processes are synchronized at the end so that the non-0 nodes won't raise an IO error when trying to write a file in a non- existing directory. """ # TODO when dropping Python 2, remove this and use os.makedirs(, exist_ok=True) if not os.path.isdir(directory): os.makedirs(directory) def _build_experiment(self, experiment_path, experiment): """Prepare a single experiment. Parameters ---------- experiment_path : str The directory where to store the output files relative to the main output directory as specified by the user in the YAML script. experiment : dict A dictionary describing a single experiment Returns ------- yaml_experiment : Experiment A Experiment object. """ system_id = experiment['system'] # Get and validate experiment sub-options and divide them by class. exp_opts = self._determine_experiment_options(experiment) exp_opts, phase_opts, sampler_opts, alchemical_region_opts = exp_opts # Configure logger file for this experiment. experiment_log_file_path = self._get_experiment_log_path(experiment_path) utils.config_root_logger(self._options['verbose'], experiment_log_file_path) # Get ligand resname for alchemical atom selection. If we can't # find it, this is a solvation free energy calculation. ligand_dsl = None try: # First try for systems that went through pipeline. ligand_molecule_id =[system_id]['ligand'] except KeyError: # Try with system from system files. try: ligand_dsl =[system_id]['ligand_dsl'] except KeyError: # This is a solvation free energy. pass else: # Make sure that molecule filepath points to the mol2 file self._db.is_molecule_setup(ligand_molecule_id) ligand_descr = self._db.molecules[ligand_molecule_id] ligand_resname = utils.Mol2File(ligand_descr['filepath']).resname ligand_dsl = 'resname ' + ligand_resname if ligand_dsl is None: logger.debug('Cannot find ligand specification. ' 'Alchemically modifying the whole solute.') else: logger.debug('DSL string for the ligand: "{}"'.format(ligand_dsl)) # Determine solvent DSL. try: solvent_dsl =[system_id]['solvent_dsl'] except KeyError: solvent_dsl = 'auto' # Topography uses common solvent resnames. logger.debug('DSL string for the solvent: "{}"'.format(solvent_dsl)) # Determine complex and solvent phase solvents try: # binding free energy calculations solvent_ids = [[system_id]['solvent'],[system_id]['solvent']] except KeyError: # partition/solvation free energy calculations try: solvent_ids = [[system_id]['solvent1'],[system_id]['solvent2']] except KeyError: # from xml/pdb system files assert 'phase1_path' in[system_id] solvent_ids = [None, None] # Obtain the protocol for this experiment. We need to load the # alchemical path from the single-experiment YAML file if it has # been automatically generated. protocol = copy.deepcopy(self._protocols[experiment['protocol']]) generated_alchemical_paths = self._find_automatic_protocol_phases(protocol) if len(generated_alchemical_paths) > 0: yaml_script_file_path = self._get_generated_yaml_script_path(experiment_path) # The file won't exist if _build_experiment has been called # within _generate_experiment_protocol. In this case we just # use a dummy protocol. try: with open(yaml_script_file_path, 'r') as f: yaml_script = yaml.load(f, Loader=YankLoader) except EnvironmentError: # TODO replace with FileNotFoundError when dropping Python 2 support for phase_name in generated_alchemical_paths: protocol[phase_name]['alchemical_path'] = {} else: protocol = yaml_script['protocols'][experiment['protocol']] # Determine restraint description (None if not specified). restraint_descr = experiment.get('restraint') # Get system files. system_files_paths = self._db.get_system(system_id) gromacs_include_dir =[system_id].get('gromacs_include_dir', None) # Prepare Yank arguments phases = [None, None] # protocol is an OrderedDict so phases are in the correct # order (e.g. [complex, solvent] or [solvent1, solvent2]). assert isinstance(protocol, collections.OrderedDict) phase_names = list(protocol.keys()) phase_paths = self._get_nc_file_paths(experiment_path, experiment) for phase_idx, (phase_name, phase_path) in enumerate(zip(phase_names, phase_paths)): # Check if we need to resume a phase. If the phase has been # already created, Experiment will resume from the storage. if os.path.isfile(phase_path): phases[phase_idx] = phase_path continue # Create system, topology and sampler state from system files. solvent_id = solvent_ids[phase_idx] positions_file_path = system_files_paths[phase_idx].position_path parameters_file_path = system_files_paths[phase_idx].parameters_path if solvent_id is None: system_options = None else: system_options = utils.merge_dict(self._db.solvents[solvent_id], exp_opts)"Reading phase {}".format(phase_name)) system, topology, sampler_state = pipeline.read_system_files( positions_file_path, parameters_file_path, system_options, gromacs_include_dir=gromacs_include_dir) # Identify system components. There is a ligand only in the complex phase. if phase_idx == 0: ligand_atoms = ligand_dsl else: ligand_atoms = None topography = Topography(topology, ligand_atoms=ligand_atoms, solvent_atoms=solvent_dsl) # Create reference thermodynamic state. if system.usesPeriodicBoundaryConditions(): pressure = exp_opts['pressure'] else: pressure = None thermodynamic_state = mmtools.states.ThermodynamicState(system, exp_opts['temperature'], pressure=pressure) # Start from AlchemicalPhase default alchemical region # and modified it according to the user options. phase_protocol = protocol[phase_name]['alchemical_path'] alchemical_region = AlchemicalPhase._build_default_alchemical_region(system, topography, phase_protocol) alchemical_region = alchemical_region._replace(**alchemical_region_opts) # Apply restraint only if this is the first phase. AlchemicalPhase # will take care of raising an error if the phase type does not support it. if (phase_idx == 0 and restraint_descr is not None and restraint_descr['type'] is not None): restraint_type = restraint_descr['type'] restraint_parameters = {par: convert_if_quantity(value) for par, value in restraint_descr.items() if par != 'type'} restraint = restraints.create_restraint(restraint_type, **restraint_parameters) else: restraint = None # Create MCMC moves and sampler. Apply MC rotation displacement to ligand. # We don't try displacing and rotating the ligand with a Boresch restraint # since the attempts would likely always fail. if len(topography.ligand_atoms) > 0 and not isinstance(restraint, restraints.Boresch): move_list = [ mmtools.mcmc.MCDisplacementMove(displacement_sigma=exp_opts['mc_displacement_sigma'], atom_subset=topography.ligand_atoms), mmtools.mcmc.MCRotationMove(atom_subset=topography.ligand_atoms) ] else: move_list = [] integrator_splitting = phase_opts['integrator_splitting'] if 'integrator_splitting' in phase_opts else None if integrator_splitting is not None: move_list.append(mmtools.mcmc.LangevinSplittingDynamicsMove(timestep=exp_opts['timestep'], collision_rate=exp_opts['collision_rate'], n_steps=exp_opts['nsteps_per_iteration'], reassign_velocities=True, n_restart_attempts=6, splitting=integrator_splitting, measure_shadow_work=False, measure_heat=False)) else: move_list.append(mmtools.mcmc.LangevinDynamicsMove(timestep=exp_opts['timestep'], collision_rate=exp_opts['collision_rate'], n_steps=exp_opts['nsteps_per_iteration'], reassign_velocities=True, n_restart_attempts=6)) mcmc_move = mmtools.mcmc.SequenceMove(move_list=move_list) sampler = repex.ReplicaExchange(mcmc_moves=mcmc_move, **sampler_opts) # Create phases. phases[phase_idx] = AlchemicalPhaseFactory(sampler, thermodynamic_state, sampler_state, topography, phase_protocol, storage=phase_path, restraint=restraint, alchemical_regions=alchemical_region, **phase_opts) # Dump analysis script results_dir = self._get_experiment_dir(experiment_path) mpi.run_single_node(0, self._save_analysis_script, results_dir, phase_names) # Return new Experiment object. return Experiment(phases, sampler_opts['number_of_iterations'], exp_opts['switch_phase_interval']) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Experiment run # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _run_experiment(self, experiment): """Run a single experiment. This runs the experiment only for ``switch_experiment_interval`` iterations (if specified). Parameters ---------- experiment : tuple (str, dict) A tuple with the experiment path and the experiment description. Returns ------- is_completed True if the experiment has completed the number of iterations requested or if it has reached the target statistical error. """ # Unpack experiment argument that has been distributed among nodes. experiment_path, experiment = experiment # Handle case where we don't have to switch between experiments. if self._options['switch_experiment_interval'] <= 0: # Run Experiment for number_of_iterations. switch_experiment_interval = None else: switch_experiment_interval = self._options['switch_experiment_interval'] built_experiment = self._build_experiment(experiment_path, experiment) # Trap a NaN'd simulation by capturing only the error we can handle, let all others raise normally try: except utils.SimulationNaNError as e: nan_warning_string = '\n' # initial blank line for spacing nan_warning_string += ('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n' '! CRITICAL: Experiment NaN !\n' '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n' 'The following experiment threw a NaN! It should NOT be considered!\n' ) nan_warning_string += 'Experiment: {}\n'.format(self._get_experiment_dir(experiment_path)) nan_warning_string += '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n' * 2 # Print out to critical logger logger.critical(nan_warning_string) # Return error at end to be handled by whatever invoked function return e return built_experiment.is_completed
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()