Source code for yank.analyze

#!/usr/local/bin/env python

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YANK Specific analysis tools for YANK simulations from the :class:`yank.yank.AlchemicalPhase` classes

Extends classes from the MultiStateAnalyzer package to include the


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import os
import abc
import copy
import yaml
import mdtraj
import pickle
import logging
from functools import wraps
import numpy as np
import simtk.unit as units
import openmmtools as mmtools
from pymbar import timeseries
from . import multistate
from . import version
from . import utils
from . import mpi
from .experiment import ExperimentBuilder

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

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# Extend registry to support standard_state_correction
yank_registry = multistate.default_observables_registry

# =============================================================================================
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class YankPhaseAnalyzer(multistate.PhaseAnalyzer):

    def __init__(self, *args, registry=yank_registry, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, registry=registry, **kwargs)

    # Abstract methods
    def analyze_phase(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Auto-analysis function for the phase

        Function which broadly handles "auto-analysis" for those that do not wish to call all the methods on their own.

        Returns a dictionary of analysis objects
        raise NotImplementedError()

class YankMultiStateSamplerAnalyzer(multistate.MultiStateSamplerAnalyzer, YankPhaseAnalyzer):

    def get_standard_state_correction(self):
        Compute the standard state correction free energy associated with the Phase.

        standard_state_correction : float
            Free energy contribution from the standard_state_correction

        if self._computed_observables['standard_state_correction'] is not None:
            return self._computed_observables['standard_state_correction']

        # Determine if we need to recompute the standard state correction.
        compute_ssc = self.unbias_restraint
            restraint_force, _, _ = self._get_radially_symmetric_restraint_data()
        except (mmtools.forces.NoForceFoundError, TypeError):
            compute_ssc = False

        if compute_ssc:
            thermodynamic_state = self._get_end_thermodynamic_states()[0]
            restraint_energy_cutoff, restraint_distance_cutoff = self._get_restraint_cutoffs()
            # TODO: Compute average box volume here to feed to max_volume?
            ssc = restraint_force.compute_standard_state_correction(
                thermodynamic_state, square_well=True, radius_cutoff=restraint_distance_cutoff,
                energy_cutoff=restraint_energy_cutoff, max_volume='system')

            # Update observable.
            self._computed_observables['standard_state_correction'] = ssc
            logger.debug('Computed a new standard state correction of {} kT'.format(ssc))

        # Reads the SSC from the reporter if compute_ssc is False.
        if self._computed_observables['standard_state_correction'] is None:
            ssc = self._reporter.read_dict('metadata')['standard_state_correction']
            self._computed_observables['standard_state_correction'] = ssc
        return self._computed_observables['standard_state_correction']

    def analyze_phase(self, show_mixing=False, cutoff=0.05):
        Auto-analysis function for the phase

        Function which broadly handles "auto-analysis" for those that do not wish to call all the methods on their own.

        This variant computes the following:

        * Equilibration data (accessible through ``n_equilibration_iterations`` and ``statistical_inefficiency``
        * Optional mixing statistics printout
        * Free Energy difference between all states with error
        * Enthalpy difference between all states with error (as expectation of the reduced potential)
        * Free energy of the Standard State Correction for the phase.

        show_mixing : bool, optional. Default: False
            Toggle to show mixing statistics or not. This can be a slow step so is disabled for speed by default.
        cutoff : float, optional. Default: 0.05
            Threshold below which % of mixing mixing from one state to another is not shown.
            Makes the output table more clean to read (rendered as whitespace)

        data : dict
            A dictionary of analysis objects, in this case Delta F, Delta H, and Standard State Free Energy
            In units of kT (dimensionless)
        number_equilibrated, g_t, n_effective_max = self._equilibration_data
        if show_mixing:
            self.show_mixing_statistics(cutoff=cutoff, number_equilibrated=number_equilibrated)
        data = {}
        # Accumulate free energy differences
        Deltaf_ij, dDeltaf_ij = self.get_free_energy()
        DeltaH_ij, dDeltaH_ij = self.get_enthalpy()
        data['free_energy_diff'] = Deltaf_ij[self.reference_states[0], self.reference_states[1]]
        data['free_energy_diff_error'] = dDeltaf_ij[self.reference_states[0], self.reference_states[1]]
        data['enthalpy_diff'] = DeltaH_ij[self.reference_states[0], self.reference_states[1]]
        data['enthalpy_diff_error'] = dDeltaH_ij[self.reference_states[0], self.reference_states[1]]
        data['free_energy_diff_standard_state_correction'] = self.get_standard_state_correction()
        return data

class YankReplicaExchangeAnalyzer(multistate.ReplicaExchangeAnalyzer, YankMultiStateSamplerAnalyzer):

class YankParallelTemperingAnalyzer(multistate.ParallelTemperingAnalyzer, YankMultiStateSamplerAnalyzer):

def _copyout(wrap):
    """Copy output of function. Small helper to avoid ending each function with the copy call"""
    def make_copy(*args, **kwargs):
        return copy.deepcopy(wrap(*args, **kwargs))
    return make_copy

[docs]class ExperimentAnalyzer(object): """ Semi-automated YANK Experiment analysis with serializable data. This class is designed to replace the older ``analyze_directory`` functions by providing a common analysis data interface which other classes and methods can draw on. This is designed to semi-automate the combination of multi-phase data Each of the main methods fetches the data from each phase and returns them as a dictionary to the user. The total dump of data to serialized YAML files can also be done. Each function documents what its output data structure and entries surrounded by curly braces (``{ }``) indicate variables which change per experiment, often the data. Output dictionary is of the form: .. code-block:: python yank_version: {YANK Version} phase_names: {Name of each phase, depends on simulation type} general: {See :func:`get_general_simulation_data`} equilibration: {See :func:`get_equilibration_data`} mixing: {See :func:`get_mixing_data`} free_energy: {See :func:`get_experiment_free_energy_data`} Parameters ---------- store_directory : string Location where the analysis.yaml file is and where the NetCDF files are **analyzer_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to the analyzer class. Quantities can be passed as strings. Attributes ---------- use_full_trajectory : bool. Analyze with subsampled or complete trajectory nphases : int. Number of phases detected phases_names : list of phase names. Used as keys on all attributes below signs : dict of str. Sign assigned to each phase analyzers : dict of YankPhaseAnalyzer iterations : dict of int. Number of maximum iterations in each phase u_ns : dict of np.ndarray. Timeseries of each phase nequils : dict of int. Number of equilibrium iterations in each phase g_ts : dict of int. Subsample rate past nequils in each phase Neff_maxs : dict of int. Number of effective samples in each phase Examples -------- Start with an experiment (Running from the :class:`yank.experiment.ExperimentBuilder` example) >>> import textwrap >>> import openmmtools as mmtools >>> import yank.utils >>> import yank.experiment.ExperimentBuilder as ExperimentBuilder >>> setup_dir = yank.utils.get_data_filename(os.path.join('..', 'examples', ... 'p-xylene-implicit', 'input')) >>> pxylene_path = os.path.join(setup_dir, 'p-xylene.mol2') >>> lysozyme_path = os.path.join(setup_dir, '181L-pdbfixer.pdb') >>> with mmtools.utils.temporary_directory() as tmp_dir: ... yaml_content = ''' ... --- ... options: ... default_number_of_iterations: 1 ... output_dir: {} ... molecules: ... T4lysozyme: ... filepath: {} ... p-xylene: ... filepath: {} ... antechamber: ... charge_method: bcc ... solvents: ... vacuum: ... nonbonded_method: NoCutoff ... systems: ... my_system: ... receptor: T4lysozyme ... ligand: p-xylene ... solvent: vacuum ... leap: ... parameters: [leaprc.gaff, leaprc.ff14SB] ... protocols: ... absolute-binding: ... complex: ... alchemical_path: ... lambda_electrostatics: [1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2, 0.0] ... lambda_sterics: [1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2, 0.0] ... solvent: ... alchemical_path: ... lambda_electrostatics: [1.0, 0.8, 0.6, 0.3, 0.0] ... lambda_sterics: [1.0, 0.8, 0.6, 0.3, 0.0] ... experiments: ... system: my_system ... protocol: absolute-binding ... '''.format(tmp_dir, lysozyme_path, pxylene_path) >>> yaml_builder = ExperimentBuilder(textwrap.dedent(yaml_content)) >>> yaml_builder.run_experiments() Now analyze the experiment >>> import os >>> exp_analyzer = ExperimentAnalyzer(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'experiment')) >>> analysis_data = exp_analyzer.auto_analyze() """ def __init__(self, store_directory, **analyzer_kwargs): # Convert analyzer string quantities into variables. for key, value in analyzer_kwargs.items(): try: quantity = utils.quantity_from_string(value) except: pass else: analyzer_kwargs[key] = quantity # Read in data analysis_script_path = os.path.join(store_directory, 'analysis.yaml') if not os.path.isfile(analysis_script_path): err_msg = 'Cannot find analysis.yaml script in {}'.format(store_directory) raise RuntimeError(err_msg) with open(analysis_script_path, 'r') as f: analysis = yaml.load(f) phases_names = [] signs = {} analyzers = {} for phase, sign in analysis: phases_names.append(phase) signs[phase] = sign storage_path = os.path.join(store_directory, phase + '.nc') analyzers[phase] = get_analyzer(storage_path, **analyzer_kwargs) self.phase_names = phases_names self.signs = signs self.analyzers = analyzers self.nphases = len(phases_names) # Additional data self.use_full_trajectory = False if 'use_full_trajectory' in analyzer_kwargs: self.use_full_trajectory = bool(analyzer_kwargs['use_full_trajectory']) # Assign flags for other sections along with their global variables # General Data self._general_run = False self.iterations = {} # Equilibration self._equilibration_run = False self.u_ns = {} self.nequils = {} self.g_ts = {} self.Neff_maxs = {} self._n_discarded = 0 # Mixing Run (state) self._mixing_run = False # Replica mixing self._replica_mixing_run = False self._free_energy_run = False self._serialized_data = {'yank_version': version.version, 'phase_names': self.phase_names} @_copyout
[docs] def get_general_simulation_data(self): """ General purpose simulation data on number of iterations, number of states, and number of atoms. This just prints out this data in a regular, formatted pattern. Output is of the form: .. code-block:: python {for phase_name in phase_names} iterations : {int} natoms : {int} nreplicas : {int} nstates : {int} Returns ------- general_data : dict General simulation data by phase. """ if not self._general_run: general_serial = {} for phase_name in self.phase_names: serial = {} analyzer = self.analyzers[phase_name] try: positions = analyzer.reporter.read_sampler_states(0)[0].positions natoms, _ = positions.shape except AttributeError: # Trap unloaded checkpoint file natoms = 'No Cpt.' energies, _, _, = analyzer.reporter.read_energies() iterations, nreplicas, nstates = energies.shape serial['iterations'] = iterations serial['nstates'] = nstates serial['natoms'] = natoms serial['nreplicas'] = nreplicas general_serial[phase_name] = serial self.iterations = {phase_name: general_serial[phase_name]['iterations'] for phase_name in self.phase_names} self._serialized_data['general'] = general_serial self._general_run = True return self._serialized_data['general']
[docs] def get_equilibration_data(self, discard_from_start=1): """ Create the equilibration scatter plots showing the trend lines, correlation time, and number of effective samples Output is of the form: .. code-block:: python {for phase_name in phase_names} discarded_from_start : {int} effective_samples : {float} subsample_rate : {float} iterations_considered : {1D np.ndarray of int} subsample_rate_by_iterations_considered : {1D np.ndarray of float} effective_samples_by_iterations_considered : {1D np.ndarray of float} count_total_equilibration_samples : {int} count_decorrelated_samples : {int} count_correlated_samples : {int} percent_total_equilibration_samples : {float} percent_decorrelated_samples : {float} percent_correlated_samples : {float} Returns ------- equilibration_data : dict Dictionary with the equilibration data """ if not self._equilibration_run or discard_from_start != self._n_discarded: eq_serial = {} for i, phase_name in enumerate(self.phase_names): serial = {} analyzer = self.analyzers[phase_name] # Data crunching to get timeseries # TODO: Figure out how not to discard the first sample # Sample at index 0 is actually the minimized structure and NOT from the equilibrium distribution # This throws off all of the equilibrium data t0 = discard_from_start self._n_discarded = t0 series = analyzer.get_effective_energy_timeseries() # Update discard_from_start to match t0 if present try: iteration = len(series) data = analyzer.reporter.read_online_analysis_data(None, 't0') t0 = max(t0, int(data['t0'][0])) logger.debug('t0 found; using initial t0 = {} instead of 1'.format(t0)) self._n_discarded = t0 except Exception as e: # No t0 found logger.debug('Could not find t0: {}'.format(e)) pass if series.size <= t0: # Trap case where user has dropped their whole set. # Rare, but happens, often with debugging t0 = 0 logger.warning("Alert: analyzed timeseries has the same or fewer number of values as " "discard_from_start! The whole series has been preserved to ensure there is " "*something* to analyze.") self._n_discarded = 0 self.u_ns[phase_name] = analyzer.get_effective_energy_timeseries()[1:] # Timeseries statistics i_t, g_i, n_effective_i = multistate.get_equilibration_data_per_sample(self.u_ns[phase_name]) n_effective_max = n_effective_i.max() i_max = n_effective_i.argmax() n_equilibration = i_t[i_max] + t0 g_t = g_i[i_max] self.Neff_maxs[phase_name] = n_effective_max self.nequils[phase_name] = n_equilibration self.g_ts[phase_name] = g_t serial['discarded_from_start'] = int(t0) serial['effective_samples'] = float(self.Neff_maxs[phase_name]) serial['equilibration_samples'] = int(self.nequils[phase_name]) serial['subsample_rate'] = float(self.g_ts[phase_name]) serial['iterations_considered'] = i_t serial['subsample_rate_by_iterations_considered'] = g_i serial['effective_samples_by_iterations_considered'] = n_effective_i # Determine total number of iterations n_iter = self.iterations[phase_name] eq = self.nequils[phase_name] + self._n_discarded # Make sure we include the discarded decor = int(np.floor(self.Neff_maxs[phase_name])) cor = n_iter - eq - decor dat = np.array([decor, cor, eq]) / float(n_iter) serial['count_total_equilibration_samples'] = int(eq) serial['count_decorrelated_samples'] = int(decor) serial['count_correlated_samples'] = int(cor) serial['percent_total_equilibration_samples'] = float(dat[2]) serial['percent_decorrelated_samples'] = float(dat[0]) serial['percent_correlated_samples'] = float(dat[1]) eq_serial[phase_name] = serial self._serialized_data['equilibration'] = eq_serial # Set flag self._equilibration_run = True return self._serialized_data['equilibration']
[docs] def get_mixing_data(self): """ Get state diffusion mixing arrays Output is of the form: .. code-block:: python {for phase_name in phase_names} transitions : {[nstates, nstates] np.ndarray of float} eigenvalues : {[nstates] np.ndarray of float} stat_inefficiency : {float} Returns ------- mixing_data : dict Dictionary of mixing data """ if not self._mixing_run: mixing_serial = {} # Plot a diffusing mixing map for each phase. for phase_name in self.phase_names: serial = {} # Generate mixing statistics. analyzer = self.analyzers[phase_name] mixing_statistics = analyzer.generate_mixing_statistics( number_equilibrated=self.nequils[phase_name]) transition_matrix, eigenvalues, statistical_inefficiency = mixing_statistics serial['transitions'] = transition_matrix serial['eigenvalues'] = eigenvalues serial['stat_inefficiency'] = statistical_inefficiency mixing_serial[phase_name] = serial self._serialized_data['mixing'] = mixing_serial self._mixing_run = True return self._serialized_data['mixing']
[docs] def get_experiment_free_energy_data(self): """ Get the free Yank Experiment free energy, broken down by phase and total experiment Output is of the form: .. code-block:: python {for phase_name in phase_names} sign : {str of either '+' or '-'} kT : {units.quantity} free_energy_diff : {float (has units of kT)} free_energy_diff_error : {float (has units of kT)} free_energy_diff_standard_state_correction : {float (has units of kT)} enthalpy_diff : {float (has units of kT)} enthalpy_diff_error : {float (has units of kT)} free_energy_diff : {float (has units of kT)} free_energy_diff_error : {float (has units of kT)} free_energy_diff_unit : {units.quantity compatible with energy/mole. Corrected for different phase kT} free_energy_diff_error_unit : {units.quantity compatible with energy/mole. Corrected for different phase kT} enthalpy_diff : {float (has units of kT)} enthalpy_diff_error : {float (has units of kT)} enthalpy_diff_unit : {units.quantity compatible with energy/mole. Corrected for different phase kT} enthalpy_diff_error_unit : {units.quantity compatible with energy/mole. Corrected for different phase kT} Returns ------- free_energy_data : dict Dictionary of free energy data """ # TODO: Possibly rename this function to not confuse with "experimental" free energy? if not self._free_energy_run: if not self._equilibration_run: raise RuntimeError("Cannot run free energy without first running the equilibration. Please run the " "corresponding function/cell first!") fe_serial = dict() data = dict() for phase_name in self.phase_names: analyzer = self.analyzers[phase_name] data[phase_name] = analyzer.analyze_phase() # Compute free energy and enthalpy delta_f = 0.0 delta_f_err = 0.0 delta_h = 0.0 delta_h_err = 0.0 # Not assigning units to be more general to whatever kt is later delta_f_unit = 0.0 delta_f_err_unit = 0.0 delta_h_unit = 0.0 delta_h_err_unit = 0.0 for phase_name in self.phase_names: serial = {} kt = self.analyzers[phase_name].kT serial['kT'] = kt if not isinstance(delta_f_unit, units.Quantity): # Assign units to the float if not assigned held_unit = kt.unit delta_f_unit *= held_unit delta_f_err_unit *= held_unit ** 2 # Errors are held in square until the end delta_h_unit *= held_unit delta_h_err_unit *= held_unit ** 2 serial['kT'] = kt sign = self.signs[phase_name] serial['sign'] = sign phase_delta_f = data[phase_name]['free_energy_diff'] phase_delta_f_ssc = data[phase_name]['free_energy_diff_standard_state_correction'] phase_delta_f_err = data[phase_name]['free_energy_diff_error'] serial['free_energy_diff'] = phase_delta_f serial['free_energy_diff_error'] = phase_delta_f_err serial['free_energy_diff_standard_state_correction'] = data[phase_name][ 'free_energy_diff_standard_state_correction' ] phase_exp_delta_f = sign * (phase_delta_f + phase_delta_f_ssc) delta_f -= phase_exp_delta_f delta_f_err += phase_delta_f_err**2 delta_f_unit -= phase_exp_delta_f * kt delta_f_err_unit += (phase_delta_f_err * kt)**2 phase_delta_h = data[phase_name]['enthalpy_diff'] phase_delta_h_err = data[phase_name]['enthalpy_diff_error'] serial['enthalpy_diff'] = phase_delta_h serial['enthalpy_diff_error'] = np.sqrt(phase_delta_h_err) phase_exp_delta_h = sign * (phase_delta_h + phase_delta_f_ssc) delta_h -= phase_exp_delta_h delta_h_err += phase_delta_h_err ** 2 delta_h_unit -= phase_exp_delta_h * kt delta_h_err_unit += (phase_delta_h_err * kt) ** 2 fe_serial[phase_name] = serial delta_f_err = np.sqrt(delta_f_err) # np.sqrt is fine here since these dont have units delta_h_err = np.sqrt(delta_h_err) # Use ** 0.5 instead of np.sqrt since the function strips units, see github issue pandegroup/openmm#2106 delta_f_err_unit = delta_f_err_unit ** 0.5 delta_h_err_unit = delta_h_err_unit ** 0.5 fe_serial['free_energy_diff'] = delta_f fe_serial['enthalpy_diff'] = delta_h fe_serial['free_energy_diff_error'] = delta_f_err fe_serial['enthalpy_diff_error'] = delta_h_err fe_serial['free_energy_diff_unit'] = delta_f_unit fe_serial['enthalpy_diff_unit'] = delta_h_unit fe_serial['free_energy_diff_error_unit'] = delta_f_err_unit fe_serial['enthalpy_diff_error_unit'] = delta_h_err_unit self._serialized_data['free_energy'] = fe_serial self._free_energy_run = True return self._serialized_data['free_energy']
[docs] def auto_analyze(self): """ Run the analysis Output is of the form: .. code-block:: python yank_version: {YANK Version} phase_names: {Name of each phase, depends on simulation type} general: {for phase_name in phase_names} iterations : {int} natoms : {int} nreplicas : {int} nstates : {int} equilibration: {for phase_name in phase_names} discarded_from_start : {int} effective_samples : {float} subsample_rate : {float} iterations_considered : {1D np.ndarray of int} subsample_rate_by_iterations_considered : {1D np.ndarray of float} effective_samples_by_iterations_considered : {1D np.ndarray of float} count_total_equilibration_samples : {int} count_decorrelated_samples : {int} count_correlated_samples : {int} percent_total_equilibration_samples : {float} percent_decorrelated_samples : {float} percent_correlated_samples : {float} mixing: {for phase_name in phase_names} transitions : {[nstates, nstates] np.ndarray of float} eigenvalues : {[nstates] np.ndarray of float} stat_inefficiency : {float} free_energy: {for phase_name in phase_names} sign : {str of either '+' or '-'} kT : {units.quantity} free_energy_diff : {float (has units of kT)} free_energy_diff_error : {float (has units of kT)} free_energy_diff_standard_state_correction : {float (has units of kT)} enthalpy_diff : {float (has units of kT)} enthalpy_diff_error : {float (has units of kT)} free_energy_diff : {float (has units of kT)} free_energy_diff_error : {float (has units of kT)} free_energy_diff_unit : {units.quantity compatible with energy/mole. Corrected for different phase kT} free_energy_diff_error_unit : {units.quantity compatible with energy/mole. Corrected for different phase kT} enthalpy_diff : {float (has units of kT)} enthalpy_diff_error : {float (has units of kT)} enthalpy_diff_unit : {units.quantity compatible with energy/mole. Corrected for different phase kT} enthalpy_diff_error_unit : {units.quantity compatible with energy/mole. Corrected for different phase kT} Returns ------- serialized_data : dict Dictionary of all the auto-analysis calls organized by section headers. See each of the functions to see each of the sub-dictionary structures See Also -------- get_general_simulation_data get_equilibration_data get_mixing_data get_experiment_free_energy_data """ _ = self.get_general_simulation_data() _ = self.get_equilibration_data() _ = self.get_mixing_data() _ = self.get_experiment_free_energy_data() return self._serialized_data
[docs] def dump_serial_data(self, path): """ Dump the serialized data to YAML file Parameters ---------- path : str File name to dump the data to """ true_path, ext = os.path.splitext(path) if not ext: # empty string check ext = '.yaml' true_path += ext with open(true_path, 'w') as f: f.write(yaml.dump(self._serialized_data))
@staticmethod def report_version(): print("Rendered with YANK Version {}".format(version.version))
# ============================================================================================= # MODULE FUNCTIONS # =============================================================================================
[docs]def get_analyzer(file_base_path, **analyzer_kwargs): """ Utility function to convert storage file to a Reporter and Analyzer by reading the data on file For now this is mostly placeholder functions since there is only the implemented :class:`ReplicaExchangeAnalyzer`, but creates the API for the user to work with. Parameters ---------- file_base_path : string Complete path to the storage file with filename and extension. **analyzer_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to the analyzer. Returns ------- analyzer : instance of implemented :class:`Yank*Analyzer` Analyzer for the specific phase. """ # Eventually extend this to get more reporters, but for now simple placeholder reporter = multistate.MultiStateReporter(file_base_path, open_mode='r') """ storage = infer_storage_format_from_extension('') # This is always going to be nc for now. metadata = storage.metadata sampler_class = metadata['sampler_full_name'] module_name, cls_name = sampler_full_name.rsplit('.', 1) module = importlib.import_module(module_name) cls = getattr(module, cls_name) reporter = cls.create_reporter('') """ # Eventually change this to auto-detect simulation from reporter: if True: analyzer = YankReplicaExchangeAnalyzer(reporter, **analyzer_kwargs) else: raise RuntimeError("Cannot automatically determine analyzer for Reporter: {}".format(reporter)) return analyzer
[docs]def analyze_directory(source_directory, **analyzer_kwargs): """ Analyze contents of store files to compute free energy differences. This function is needed to preserve the old auto-analysis style of YANK. What it exactly does can be refined when more analyzers and simulations are made available. For now this function exposes the API. Parameters ---------- source_directory : string The location of the simulation storage files. **analyzer_kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to the analyzer. Returns ------- analysis_data : dict Dictionary containing all the automatic analysis data """ auto_experiment_analyzer = ExperimentAnalyzer(source_directory, **analyzer_kwargs) analysis_data = auto_experiment_analyzer.auto_analyze() print_analysis_data(analysis_data) return analysis_data
[docs]class MultiExperimentAnalyzer(object): """ Automatic Analysis tool for Multiple YANK Experiments from YAML file This class takes in a YAML file, infers the experiments from expansion of all combinatorial options, then does the automatic analysis run from :func:`ExperimentAnalyzer.auto_analyze` yielding a final dictionary output. Parameters ---------- script : str or dict Full path to the YAML file which made the YANK experiments. OR The loaded yaml content of said script. builder_kwargs Additional keyword arguments which normally are passed to the :class:`ExperimentBuilder` constructor. The experiments are not setup or built, only the output structure is referenced. See Also -------- ExperimentAnalyzer.auto_analyze """ def __init__(self, script, **builder_kwargs): self.script = script self.builder = ExperimentBuilder(script=script, **builder_kwargs) self.paths = self.builder.get_experiment_directories()
[docs] def run_all_analysis(self, serialize_data=True, serial_data_path=None, **analyzer_kwargs): """ Run all the automatic analysis through the :func:`ExperimentAnalyzer.auto_analyze` Parameters ---------- serialize_data : bool, Default: True Choose whether or not to serialize the data serial_data_path: str, Optional Name of the serial data file. If not specified, name will be {YAML file name}_analysis.pkl` analyzer_kwargs Additional keywords which will be fed into the :class:`YankMultiStateSamplerAnalyzer` for each phase of each experiment. Returns ------- serial_output : dict Dictionary of each experiment's output of format {exp_name: ExperimentAnalyzer.auto_analyze() for exp_name in ExperimentBuilder's Experiments} The sub-dictionary of each key can be seen in :func:`ExperimentAnalyzer.auto_analyze()` docstring See Also -------- ExperimentAnalyzer.auto_analyze """ if serial_data_path is None: serial_ending = 'analysis.pkl' try: if not os.path.isfile(self.script): # Not a file, string like input raise TypeError script_base, _ = os.path.splitext(self.script) serial_data_path = script_base + '_' + serial_ending except TypeError: # Traps both YAML content as string, and YAML content as dict serial_data_path = os.path.join('.', serial_ending) analysis_serials = mpi.distribute(self._run_analysis, self.paths, **analyzer_kwargs) output = {} for path, analysis in zip(self.paths, analysis_serials): name = os.path.split(path)[-1] # Get the name of the experiment # Corner case where user has specified a singular experiment and name is just an empty directory # Impossible with any type of combinatorial action if name == '': name = 'experiment' # Check to ensure the output is stable output[name] = analysis if not isinstance(analysis, Exception) else str(analysis) if serialize_data: self._serialize(serial_data_path, output) return output
@staticmethod def _serialize(serial_path, payload): """ Helper function to serialize data which can be subclassed Parameters ---------- serial_path : str Path of serial file payload : object Object to serialize (pickle) """ with open(serial_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(payload, f) def _run_analysis(self, path, **analyzer_kwargs): """ Helper function to allow parallel through MPI analysis of the experiments Parameters ---------- path : str Location of YANK experiment output data. analyzer_kwargs Additional keywords which will be fed into the :class:`YankMultiStateSamplerAnalyzer` for each phase of each experiment. Returns ------- payload : dict or Exception Results from automatic analysis output or the exception that was thrown. Having the exception trapped but thrown later allows for one experiment to fail but not stop the others from analyzing. """ try: # Allow the _run_specific_analysis to be subclassable without requiring the error trap to be re-written. return self._run_specific_analysis(path, **analyzer_kwargs) except Exception as e: # Trap any error in a non-crashing way return e @staticmethod def _run_specific_analysis(path, **analyzer_kwargs): """ Helper function to run an individual auto analysis which can be subclassed""" return ExperimentAnalyzer(path, **analyzer_kwargs).auto_analyze()
# ========================================== # HELPER FUNCTIONS FOR TRAJECTORY EXTRACTION # ==========================================
[docs]def extract_u_n(ncfile): """ Extract timeseries of u_n = - log q(X_n) from store file where q(X_n) = \pi_{k=1}^K u_{s_{nk}}(x_{nk}) with X_n = [x_{n1}, ..., x_{nK}] is the current collection of replica configurations s_{nk} is the current state of replica k at iteration n u_k(x) is the kth reduced potential TODO: Figure out a way to remove this function Parameters ---------- ncfile : netCDF4.Dataset Open NetCDF file to analyze Returns ------- u_n : numpy array of numpy.float64 u_n[n] is -log q(X_n) """ # Get current dimensions. niterations = ncfile.variables['energies'].shape[0] nstates = ncfile.variables['energies'].shape[1] natoms = ncfile.variables['energies'].shape[2] # Extract energies."Reading energies...") energies = ncfile.variables['energies'] u_kln_replica = np.zeros([nstates, nstates, niterations], np.float64) for n in range(niterations): u_kln_replica[:, :, n] = energies[n, :, :]"Done.") # Deconvolute replicas"Deconvoluting replicas...") u_kln = np.zeros([nstates, nstates, niterations], np.float64) for iteration in range(niterations): state_indices = ncfile.variables['states'][iteration, :] u_kln[state_indices, :, iteration] = energies[iteration, :, :]"Done.") # Compute total negative log probability over all iterations. u_n = np.zeros([niterations], np.float64) for iteration in range(niterations): u_n[iteration] = np.sum(np.diagonal(u_kln[:, :, iteration])) return u_n
# ============================================================================== # Extract trajectory from NetCDF4 file # ==============================================================================
[docs]def extract_trajectory(nc_path, nc_checkpoint_file=None, state_index=None, replica_index=None, start_frame=0, end_frame=-1, skip_frame=1, keep_solvent=True, discard_equilibration=False, image_molecules=False): """Extract phase trajectory from the NetCDF4 file. Parameters ---------- nc_path : str Path to the primary nc_file storing the analysis options nc_checkpoint_file : str or None, Optional File name of the checkpoint file housing the main trajectory Used if the checkpoint file is differently named from the default one chosen by the nc_path file. Default: None state_index : int, optional The index of the alchemical state for which to extract the trajectory. One and only one between state_index and replica_index must be not None (default is None). replica_index : int, optional The index of the replica for which to extract the trajectory. One and only one between state_index and replica_index must be not None (default is None). start_frame : int, optional Index of the first frame to include in the trajectory (default is 0). end_frame : int, optional Index of the last frame to include in the trajectory. If negative, will count from the end (default is -1). skip_frame : int, optional Extract one frame every skip_frame (default is 1). keep_solvent : bool, optional If False, solvent molecules are ignored (default is True). discard_equilibration : bool, optional If True, initial equilibration frames are discarded (see the method pymbar.timeseries.detectEquilibration() for details, default is False). Returns ------- trajectory: mdtraj.Trajectory The trajectory extracted from the netcdf file. """ # Check correct input if (state_index is None) == (replica_index is None): raise ValueError('One and only one between "state_index" and ' '"replica_index" must be specified.') if not os.path.isfile(nc_path): raise ValueError('Cannot find file {}'.format(nc_path)) # Import simulation data reporter = None try: reporter = multistate.MultiStateReporter(nc_path, open_mode='r', checkpoint_storage=nc_checkpoint_file) metadata = reporter.read_dict('metadata') reference_system = mmtools.utils.deserialize(metadata['reference_state']).system topography = mmtools.utils.deserialize(metadata['topography']) topology = topography.topology # Determine if system is periodic is_periodic = reference_system.usesPeriodicBoundaryConditions()'Detected periodic boundary conditions: {}'.format(is_periodic)) # Get dimensions # Assume full iteration until proven otherwise last_checkpoint = True trajectory_storage = reporter._storage_checkpoint if not keep_solvent: # If tracked solute particles, use any last iteration, set with this logic test full_iteration = len(reporter.analysis_particle_indices) == 0 if not full_iteration: trajectory_storage = reporter._storage_analysis topology = topology.subset(reporter.analysis_particle_indices) n_iterations = reporter.read_last_iteration(last_checkpoint=last_checkpoint) n_frames = trajectory_storage.variables['positions'].shape[0] n_atoms = trajectory_storage.variables['positions'].shape[2]'Number of frames: {}, atoms: {}'.format(n_frames, n_atoms)) # Determine frames to extract. # Convert negative indices to last indices. if start_frame < 0: start_frame = n_frames + start_frame if end_frame < 0: end_frame = n_frames + end_frame + 1 frame_indices = range(start_frame, end_frame, skip_frame) if len(frame_indices) == 0: raise ValueError('No frames selected')'Extracting frames from {} to {} every {}'.format( start_frame, end_frame, skip_frame)) # Discard equilibration samples if discard_equilibration: u_n = extract_u_n(reporter._storage_analysis) # Discard frame 0 with minimized energy which throws off automatic equilibration detection. n_equil_iterations, g, n_eff = timeseries.detectEquilibration(u_n[1:]) n_equil_iterations += 1"Discarding initial {} equilibration samples (leaving {} " "effectively uncorrelated samples)...").format(n_equil_iterations, n_eff)) # Find first frame post-equilibration. if not full_iteration: for iteration in range(n_equil_iterations, n_iterations): n_equil_frames = reporter._calculate_checkpoint_iteration(iteration) if n_equil_frames is not None: break else: n_equil_frames = n_equil_iterations frame_indices = frame_indices[n_equil_frames:-1] # Determine the number of frames that the trajectory will have. if state_index is None: n_trajectory_frames = len(frame_indices) else: # With SAMS, an iteration can have 0 or more replicas in a given state. # Deconvolute state indices. state_indices = [None for _ in frame_indices] for i, iteration in enumerate(frame_indices): replica_indices = reporter._storage_analysis.variables['states'][iteration, :] state_indices[i] = np.where(replica_indices == state_index)[0] n_trajectory_frames = sum(len(x) for x in state_indices) # Initialize positions and box vectors arrays. # MDTraj Cython code expects float32 positions. positions = np.zeros((n_trajectory_frames, n_atoms, 3), dtype=np.float32) if is_periodic: box_vectors = np.zeros((n_trajectory_frames, 3, 3), dtype=np.float32) # Extract state positions and box vectors. if state_index is not None:'Extracting positions of state {}...'.format(state_index)) # Extract state positions and box vectors. frame_idx = 0 for i, iteration in enumerate(frame_indices): for replica_index in state_indices[i]: positions[frame_idx, :, :] = trajectory_storage.variables['positions'][iteration, replica_index, :, :].astype(np.float32) if is_periodic: box_vectors[frame_idx, :, :] = trajectory_storage.variables['box_vectors'][iteration, replica_index, :, :].astype(np.float32) frame_idx += 1 else: # Extract replica positions and box vectors'Extracting positions of replica {}...'.format(replica_index)) for i, iteration in enumerate(frame_indices): positions[i, :, :] = trajectory_storage.variables['positions'][iteration, replica_index, :, :].astype(np.float32) if is_periodic: box_vectors[i, :, :] = trajectory_storage.variables['box_vectors'][iteration, replica_index, :, :].astype(np.float32) finally: if reporter is not None: reporter.close() # Create trajectory object'Creating trajectory object...') trajectory = mdtraj.Trajectory(positions, topology) if is_periodic: trajectory.unitcell_vectors = box_vectors # Force periodic boundary conditions to molecules positions if image_molecules and is_periodic:'Applying periodic boundary conditions to molecules positions...') # Use the receptor as an anchor molecule. anchor_atom_indices = set(topography.receptor_atoms) if len(anchor_atom_indices) == 0: # Hydration free energy. anchor_atom_indices = set(topography.solute_atoms) anchor_molecules = [{a for a in topology.atoms if a.index in anchor_atom_indices}] trajectory.image_molecules(inplace=True, anchor_molecules=anchor_molecules) elif image_molecules: logger.warning('The molecules will not be imaged because the system is non-periodic.') return trajectory