#!/usr/local/bin/env python
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Derived multi-thermodynamic state multistate class with exchanging configurations between replicas
Current version by Andrea Rizzi <andrea.rizzi@choderalab.org>, Levi N. Naden <levi.naden@choderalab.org> and
John D. Chodera <john.chodera@choderalab.org> while at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.
Original version by John D. Chodera <jchodera@gmail.com> while at the University of
California Berkeley.
This code is licensed under the latest available version of the MIT License.
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import os
import math
import copy
import logging
import numpy as np
import mdtraj as md
import openmmtools as mmtools
from .. import mpi
from .multistatesampler import MultiStateSampler
from .multistatereporter import MultiStateReporter
from .multistateanalyzer import MultiStateSamplerAnalyzer
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
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[docs]class ReplicaExchangeSampler(MultiStateSampler):
"""Replica-exchange simulation facility.
This MultiStateSampler class provides a general replica-exchange simulation facility,
allowing any set of thermodynamic states to be specified, along with a
set of initial positions to be assigned to the replicas in a round-robin
No distinction is made between one-dimensional and multidimensional replica
layout. By default, the replica mixing scheme attempts to mix *all* replicas
to minimize slow diffusion normally found in multidimensional replica exchange
simulations (Modification of the 'replica_mixing_scheme' setting will allow
the traditional 'neighbor swaps only' scheme to be used.)
Stored configurations, energies, swaps, and restart information are all written
to a single output file using the platform portable, robust, and efficient
NetCDF4 library.
mcmc_moves : MCMCMove or list of MCMCMove, optional
The MCMCMove used to propagate the states. If a list of MCMCMoves,
they will be assigned to the correspondent thermodynamic state on
creation. If None is provided, Langevin dynamics with 2fm timestep, 5.0/ps collision rate,
and 500 steps per iteration will be used.
number_of_iterations : int or infinity, optional, default: 1
The number of iterations to perform. Both ``float('inf')`` and
``numpy.inf`` are accepted for infinity. If you set this to infinity,
be sure to set also ``online_analysis_interval``.
replica_mixing_scheme : 'swap-all', 'swap-neighbors' or None, Default: 'swap-all'
The scheme used to swap thermodynamic states between replicas.
online_analysis_interval : None or Int >= 1, optional, default None
Choose the interval at which to perform online analysis of the free energy.
After every interval, the simulation will be stopped and the free energy estimated.
If the error in the free energy estimate is at or below ``online_analysis_target_error``, then the simulation
will be considered completed.
online_analysis_target_error : float >= 0, optional, default 0.2
The target error for the online analysis measured in kT per phase.
Once the free energy is at or below this value, the phase will be considered complete.
If ``online_analysis_interval`` is None, this option does nothing.
online_analysis_minimum_iterations : int >= 0, optional, default 50
Set the minimum number of iterations which must pass before online analysis is carried out.
Since the initial samples likely not to yield a good estimate of free energy, save time and just skip them
If ``online_analysis_interval`` is None, this does nothing
Parallel tempering simulation of alanine dipeptide in implicit solvent (replica
exchange among temperatures). This is just an illustrative example; use :class:`ParallelTempering`
class for actual production parallel tempering simulations.
Create the system.
>>> import math
>>> from simtk import unit
>>> from openmmtools import testsystems, states, mcmc
>>> testsystem = testsystems.AlanineDipeptideImplicit()
Create thermodynamic states for parallel tempering with exponentially-spaced schedule.
>>> n_replicas = 3 # Number of temperature replicas.
>>> T_min = 298.0 * unit.kelvin # Minimum temperature.
>>> T_max = 600.0 * unit.kelvin # Maximum temperature.
>>> temperatures = [T_min + (T_max - T_min) * (math.exp(float(i) / float(nreplicas-1)) - 1.0) / (math.e - 1.0)
... for i in range(n_replicas)]
>>> thermodynamic_states = [states.ThermodynamicState(system=testsystem.system, temperature=T)
... for T in temperatures]
Initialize simulation object with options. Run with a GHMC integrator.
>>> move = mcmc.GHMCMove(timestep=2.0*unit.femtoseconds, n_steps=50)
>>> simulation = ReplicaExchangeSampler(mcmc_moves=move, number_of_iterations=2)
Create simulation with its storage file (in a temporary directory) and run.
>>> storage_path = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False).name + '.nc'
>>> reporter = MultiStateReporter(storage_path, checkpoint_interval=1)
>>> simulation.create(thermodynamic_states=thermodynamic_states,
>>> sampler_states=states.SamplerState(testsystem.positions),
>>> storage=reporter)
>>> simulation.run() # This runs for a maximum of 2 iterations.
>>> simulation.iteration
>>> simulation.run(n_iterations=1)
>>> simulation.iteration
To resume a simulation from an existing storage file and extend it beyond
the original number of iterations.
>>> del simulation
>>> simulation = ReplicaExchangeSampler.from_storage(reporter)
>>> simulation.extend(n_iterations=1)
>>> simulation.iteration
You can extract several information from the NetCDF file using the Reporter
class while the simulation is running. This reads the SamplerStates of every
run iteration.
>>> reporter = MultiStateReporter(storage=storage_path, open_mode='r', checkpoint_interval=1)
>>> sampler_states = reporter.read_sampler_states(iteration=range(1, 4))
>>> len(sampler_states)
>>> sampler_states[-1].positions.shape # Alanine dipeptide has 22 atoms.
(22, 3)
Clean up.
>>> os.remove(storage_path)
:param number_of_iterations: Maximum number of integer iterations that will be run
:param replica_mixing_scheme: Scheme which describes how replicas are exchanged each iteration as string
:param online_analysis_interval: How frequently to carry out online analysis in number of iterations
:param online_analysis_target_error: Target free energy difference error float at which simulation will be stopped during online analysis, in dimensionless energy
:param online_analysis_minimum_iterations: Minimum number of iterations needed before online analysis is run as int
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Constructors.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __init__(self, replica_mixing_scheme='swap-all', **kwargs):
# Initialize multi-state sampler simulation.
super(ReplicaExchangeSampler, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.replica_mixing_scheme = replica_mixing_scheme
class _StoredProperty(MultiStateSampler._StoredProperty):
def _repex_mixing_scheme_validator(instance, replica_mixing_scheme):
supported_schemes = ['swap-all', 'swap-neighbors', None]
if replica_mixing_scheme not in supported_schemes:
raise ValueError("Unknown replica mixing scheme '{}'. Supported values "
"are {}.".format(replica_mixing_scheme, supported_schemes))
if instance.locality is not None:
if replica_mixing_scheme not in ['swap-neighbors']:
raise ValueError("replica_mixing_scheme must be 'swap-neighbors' if locality is used")
return replica_mixing_scheme
replica_mixing_scheme = _StoredProperty('replica_mixing_scheme',
_TITLE_TEMPLATE = ('Replica-exchange sampler simulation created using ReplicaExchangeSampler class '
'of yank.multistate on {}')
[docs] def create(self, thermodynamic_states: list, sampler_states: list, storage, **kwargs):
"""Create new multistate sampler simulation.
thermodynamic_states : list of openmmtools.states.ThermodynamicState
Thermodynamic states to simulate, where one replica is allocated per state.
Each state must have a system with the same number of atoms.
sampler_states : openmmtools.states.SamplerState or list
One or more sets of initial sampler states. If a list of SamplerStates,
they will be assigned to replicas in a round-robin fashion.
The number of replicas is taken to be the number of sampler states provided.
storage : str or instanced Reporter
If str: the path to the storage file. Default checkpoint options from Reporter class are used
If Reporter: Uses the reporter options and storage path
In the future this will be able to take a Storage class as well.
initial_thermodynamic_states : None or list or array-like of int of length len(sampler_states), optional,
default: None.
Initial thermodynamic_state index for each sampler_state.
If no initial distribution is chosen, ``sampler_states`` are distributed between the
``thermodynamic_states`` following these rules:
* If ``len(thermodynamic_states) == len(sampler_states)``: 1-to-1 distribution
* If ``len(thermodynamic_states) > len(sampler_states)``: First and last state distributed first
remaining ``sampler_states`` spaced evenly by index until ``sampler_states`` are depleted.
If there is only one ``sampler_state``, then the only first ``thermodynamic_state`` will be chosen
* If ``len(thermodynamic_states) < len(sampler_states)``, each ``thermodynamic_state`` receives an
equal number of ``sampler_states`` until there are insufficient number of ``sampler_states`` remaining
to give each ``thermodynamic_state`` an equal number. Then the rules from the previous point are
unsampled_thermodynamic_states : list of openmmtools.states.ThermodynamicState, optional, default=None
These are ThermodynamicStates that are not propagated, but their
reduced potential is computed at each iteration for each replica.
These energy can be used as data for reweighting schemes (default
is None).
metadata : dict, optional, default=None
Simulation metadata to be stored in the file.
# Get number of thermodynamic states
n_states = len(thermodynamic_states)
# Make sure there are no more sampler states than thermodynamic states.
if len(sampler_states) > n_states:
raise ValueError('Passed {} SamplerStates but only {} ThermodynamicStates'.format(
len(sampler_states), n_states))
# Distribute sampler states to replicas in a round-robin fashion.
sampler_states = [copy.deepcopy(sampler_states[i % len(sampler_states)]) for i in range(n_states)]
# Initial thermodynamic states handled by the superclass and the _default_initial_thermodynamic_state method
super(ReplicaExchangeSampler, self).create(thermodynamic_states, sampler_states, storage, **kwargs)
def _default_initial_thermodynamic_states(self, thermodynamic_states, sampler_states):
"""Special case for the ReplicaExchange class which needs equal thermodynamic and sampler states"""
if len(thermodynamic_states) != len(sampler_states):
raise ValueError("Number of thermodynamic_states must equal number of sampler_states!")
return super()._default_initial_thermodynamic_states(thermodynamic_states, sampler_states)
@mpi.on_single_node(0, broadcast_result=True)
def _mix_replicas(self):
"""Attempt to swap replicas according to user-specified scheme."""
logger.debug("Mixing replicas...")
# Reset storage to keep track of swap attempts this iteration.
self._n_accepted_matrix[:, :] = 0
self._n_proposed_matrix[:, :] = 0
# Perform swap attempts according to requested scheme.
with mmtools.utils.time_it('Mixing of replicas'):
if self.replica_mixing_scheme == 'swap-neighbors':
elif self.replica_mixing_scheme == 'swap-all':
# Try to use cython-accelerated mixing code if possible,
# otherwise fall back to Python-accelerated code.
except ValueError as e:
assert self.replica_mixing_scheme is None
# Determine fraction of swaps accepted this iteration.
n_swaps_proposed = self._n_proposed_matrix.sum()
n_swaps_accepted = self._n_accepted_matrix.sum()
swap_fraction_accepted = 0.0
if n_swaps_proposed > 0:
# TODO drop casting to float when dropping Python 2 support.
swap_fraction_accepted = float(n_swaps_accepted) / n_swaps_proposed
logger.debug("Accepted {}/{} attempted swaps ({:.1f}%)".format(n_swaps_accepted, n_swaps_proposed,
swap_fraction_accepted * 100.0))
def _mix_all_replicas_cython(self):
"""Exchange all replicas with Cython-accelerated code."""
from .mixing._mix_replicas import _mix_replicas_cython
replica_states = md.utils.ensure_type(self._replica_thermodynamic_states, np.int64, 1, "Replica States")
u_kl = md.utils.ensure_type(self._energy_thermodynamic_states, np.float64, 2, "Reduced Potentials")
n_proposed_matrix = md.utils.ensure_type(self._n_proposed_matrix, np.int64, 2, "Nij Proposed Swaps")
n_accepted_matrix = md.utils.ensure_type(self._n_accepted_matrix, np.int64, 2, "Nij Accepted Swaps")
_mix_replicas_cython(self.n_replicas**4, self.n_replicas, replica_states,
u_kl, n_proposed_matrix, n_accepted_matrix)
self._replica_thermodynamic_states = replica_states
self._n_proposed_matrix = n_proposed_matrix
self._n_accepted_matrix = n_accepted_matrix
def _mix_all_replicas(self):
"""Exchange all replicas with Python."""
# Determine number of swaps to attempt to ensure thorough mixing.
# TODO: Replace this with analytical result computed to guarantee sufficient mixing, or
# TODO: adjust it based on how many we can afford to do and not have mixing take a
# TODO: substantial fraction of iteration time.
nswap_attempts = self.n_replicas**5 # Number of swaps to attempt (ideal, but too slow!)
nswap_attempts = self.n_replicas**3 # Best compromise for pure Python?
logger.debug("Will attempt to swap all pairs of replicas, using a total of %d attempts." % nswap_attempts)
# Attempt swaps to mix replicas.
for swap_attempt in range(nswap_attempts):
# Choose random replicas uniformly to attempt to swap.
replica_i = np.random.randint(self.n_replicas)
replica_j = np.random.randint(self.n_replicas)
self._attempt_swap(replica_i, replica_j)
def _mix_neighboring_replicas(self):
"""Attempt exchanges between neighboring replicas only."""
logger.debug("Will attempt to swap only neighboring replicas.")
# TODO: Extend this to allow more remote swaps or more thorough mixing if locality > 1.
# Attempt swaps of pairs of replicas using traditional scheme (e.g. [0,1], [2,3], ...).
offset = np.random.randint(2) # Offset is 0 or 1.
for thermodynamic_state_i in range(offset, self.n_replicas-1, 2):
thermodynamic_state_j = thermodynamic_state_i + 1 # Neighboring state.
# Determine which replicas currently hold the thermodynamic states.
replica_i = np.where(self._replica_thermodynamic_states == thermodynamic_state_i)
replica_j = np.where(self._replica_thermodynamic_states == thermodynamic_state_j)
self._attempt_swap(replica_i, replica_j)
def _attempt_swap(self, replica_i, replica_j):
"""Attempt a single exchange between two replicas."""
# Determine the thermodynamic states associated to these replicas.
thermodynamic_state_i = self._replica_thermodynamic_states[replica_i]
thermodynamic_state_j = self._replica_thermodynamic_states[replica_j]
# Compute log probability of swap.
energy_ij = self._energy_thermodynamic_states[replica_i, thermodynamic_state_j]
energy_ji = self._energy_thermodynamic_states[replica_j, thermodynamic_state_i]
energy_ii = self._energy_thermodynamic_states[replica_i, thermodynamic_state_i]
energy_jj = self._energy_thermodynamic_states[replica_j, thermodynamic_state_j]
log_p_accept = - (energy_ij + energy_ji) + energy_ii + energy_jj
# Record that this move has been proposed.
self._n_proposed_matrix[thermodynamic_state_i, thermodynamic_state_j] += 1
self._n_proposed_matrix[thermodynamic_state_j, thermodynamic_state_i] += 1
# Accept or reject.
if log_p_accept >= 0.0 or np.random.rand() < math.exp(log_p_accept):
# Swap states in replica slots i and j.
self._replica_thermodynamic_states[replica_i] = thermodynamic_state_j
self._replica_thermodynamic_states[replica_j] = thermodynamic_state_i
# Accumulate statistics.
self._n_accepted_matrix[thermodynamic_state_i, thermodynamic_state_j] += 1
self._n_accepted_matrix[thermodynamic_state_j, thermodynamic_state_i] += 1
@mpi.on_single_node(rank=0, broadcast_result=False, sync_nodes=False)
def _display_citations(self, overwrite_global=False, citation_stack=None):
Display papers to be cited.
The overwrite_golbal command will force the citation to display even if the "have_citations_been_shown" variable
is True
gibbs_citations = """\
Chodera JD and Shirts MR. Replica exchange and expanded ensemble simulations as Gibbs multistate: Simple improvements for enhanced mixing. J. Chem. Phys., 135:194110, 2011. DOI:10.1063/1.3660669
if self.replica_mixing_scheme == 'swap-all':
if citation_stack is None:
citation_stack = [gibbs_citations]
citation_stack = [gibbs_citations] + citation_stack
super()._display_citations(overwrite_global=overwrite_global, citation_stack=citation_stack)
[docs]class ReplicaExchangeAnalyzer(MultiStateSamplerAnalyzer):
The ReplicaExchangeAnalyzer is the analyzer for a simulation generated from a Replica Exchange sampler simulation,
implemented as an instance of the :class:`MultiStateSamplerAnalyzer`.
See Also
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if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest