
Interface for automated free energy calculations.

class yank.yank.Topography(topology, ligand_atoms=None, solvent_atoms='auto')[source]

A class mapping and labelling the different components of a system.

The object holds the topology of a system and offers convenience functions to identify its various parts such as solvent, receptor, ions and ligand atoms.

A molecule should be labeled as a ligand, only if there is also a receptor. If there is only a single molecule its atom indices can be obtained from solute_atoms instead. In ligand-receptor system, solute_atoms provides the atom indices for both molecules.


topology : mdtraj.Topology or simtk.openmm.app.Topology

The topology object specifying the system.

ligand_atoms : iterable of int or str, optional

The atom indices of the ligand. A string is interpreted as an mdtraj DSL specification of the ligand atoms.

solvent_atoms : iterable of int or str, optional

The atom indices of the solvent. A string is interpreted as an mdtraj DSL specification of the solvent atoms. If ‘auto’, a list of common solvent residue names will be used to automatically detect solvent atoms (default is ‘auto’).


ligand_atoms The atom indices of the ligand as list
receptor_atoms The atom indices of the receptor as list (read-only).
solute_atoms The atom indices of the non-solvent molecule(s) (read-only).
solvent_atoms The atom indices of the solvent molecules.
ions_atoms The indices of all ions atoms in the solvent (read-only).

mdtraj.Topology: A copy of the topology (read-only).


The atom indices of the ligand as list

This can be empty if this Topography doesn’t represent a receptor-ligand system. Use solute_atoms to obtain the atom indices of the molecule if this is the case.

If assigned to a string, it will be interpreted as an mdtraj DSL specification of the atom indices.


The atom indices of the receptor as list (read-only).

This can be empty if this Topography doesn’t represent a receptor-ligand system. Use solute_atoms to obtain the atom indices of the molecule if this is the case.


The atom indices of the non-solvent molecule(s) (read-only).

Practically, this are all the indices of the atoms that are not considered solvent. In a receptor-ligand system, this includes the atom indices of both the receptor and the ligand.


The atom indices of the solvent molecules.

This includes eventual ions. If assigned to a string, it will be interpreted as an mdtraj DSL specification of the atom indices. If assigned to ‘auto’, a set of solvent auto indices is automatically built from common solvent residue names.


The indices of all ions atoms in the solvent (read-only).

class yank.yank.IMultiStateSampler[source]

A sampler for multiple thermodynamic states.

This is the interface documents the properties and methods that need to be exposed by the sampler object to be compatible with the class AlchemicalPhase.


number_of_iterations int: the total number of iterations to run.
iteration int: the current iteration.
metadata dict: a copy of the metadata dictionary passed on creation.
sampler_states list of SamplerState: the sampler states at the current iteration.

int: the total number of iterations to run.


int: the current iteration.


dict: a copy of the metadata dictionary passed on creation.


list of SamplerState: the sampler states at the current iteration.

create(thermodynamic_state, sampler_states, storage, unsampled_thermodynamic_states, metadata)[source]

Create new simulation and initialize the storage.


thermodynamic_state : list of openmmtools.states.ThermodynamicState

The thermodynamic states for the simulation.

sampler_states : openmmtools.states.SamplerState or list

One or more sets of initial sampler states. If a list of SamplerStates, they will be assigned to thermodynamic states in a round-robin fashion.

storage : str or Reporter

If str: The path to the storage file. Reads defaults from the yank.repex.Reporter class

If yank.repex.Reporter: Reads the reporter settings for files and options

In the future this will be able to take a Storage class as well.

unsampled_thermodynamic_states : list of openmmtools.states.ThermodynamicState

These are ThermodynamicStates that are not propagated, but their reduced potential is computed at each iteration for each replica. These energy can be used as data for reweighting schemes.

metadata : dict

Simulation metadata to be stored in the file.

minimize(tolerance, max_iterations)[source]

Minimize all states.


tolerance : simtk.unit.Quantity

Minimization tolerance (units of energy/mole/length, default is 1.0 * unit.kilojoules_per_mole / unit.nanometers).

max_iterations : int

Maximum number of iterations for minimization. If 0, minimization continues until converged.

equilibrate(n_iterations, mcmc_moves=None)[source]

Equilibrate all states.


n_iterations : int

Number of equilibration iterations.

mcmc_moves : MCMCMove or list of MCMCMove, optional

Optionally, the MCMCMoves to use for equilibration can be different from the ones used in production (default is None).


Run the simulation.

This runs at most number_of_iterations iterations. Use extend() to pass the limit.


n_iterations : int, optional

If specified, only at most the specified number of iterations will be run (default is None).


Extend the simulation by the given number of iterations.

Contrarily to run(), this will extend the number of iterations past number_of_iteration if requested.


n_iterations : int

The number of iterations to run.

class yank.yank.AlchemicalPhase(sampler)[source]

A single thermodynamic leg (phase) of an alchemical free energy calculation.

This class wraps around a general MultiStateSampler and handle the creation of an alchemical free energy calculation.


sampler : MultiStateSampler

The sampler instance implementing the IMultiStateSampler interface.


iteration int: the current iteration (read-only).
number_of_iterations int: the total number of iterations to run.
is_completed Boolean check if if the sampler has been completed by its own determination or if we have exceeded number of
static from_storage(storage)[source]

Static constructor from an existing storage file.


storage : str or Reporter

If str: The path to the primary storage file. Default checkpointing options are stored in this case

If yank.repex.Reporter: loads from the reporter class, including checkpointing information

In the future this will be able to take a Storage class as well.


alchemical_phase : AlchemicalPhase

A new instance of AlchemicalPhase in the same state of the last stored iteration.


int: the current iteration (read-only).


int: the total number of iterations to run.


Boolean check if if the sampler has been completed by its own determination or if we have exceeded number of iterations

create(thermodynamic_state, sampler_states, topography, protocol, storage, restraint=None, anisotropic_dispersion_cutoff=None, alchemical_regions=None, alchemical_factory=None, metadata=None)[source]

Create a new AlchemicalPhase calculation for a specified protocol.

If anisotropic_dispersion_cutoff is different than None. The end states of the phase will be reweighted. The fully interacting state accounts for:

  1. The truncation of nonbonded interactions.

2. The reciprocal space which is not modeled in alchemical states if an Ewald method is used for long-range interactions.


thermodynamic_state : openmmtools.states.ThermodynamicState

Thermodynamic state holding the reference system, temperature and pressure.

sampler_states : openmmtools.states.SamplerState or list

One or more sets of initial sampler states. If a list of SamplerStates, they will be assigned to replicas in a round-robin fashion.

topography : Topography

The object holding the topology and labelling the different components of the system. This is used to discriminate between ligand-receptor and solvation systems.

protocol : dict

The dictionary {parameter_name: list_of_parameter_values} defining the protocol. All the parameter values list must have the same number of elements.

storage : str or initialized Reporter class

If str: Path to the storage file. The default checkpointing options (see the yank.repex.Reporter class) will be used in this case

If yank.repex.Reporter: Uses files and checkpointing options of the reporter class passed in

restraint : ReceptorLigandRestraint, optional

Restraint to add between protein and ligand. This must be specified for ligand-receptor systems in non-periodic boxes.

anisotropic_dispersion_cutoff : simtk.openmm.Quantity, ‘auto’, or None, optional, default None

If specified, this is the cutoff at which to reweight long range interactions of the end states to correct for anisotropic dispersions.

If ‘auto’, then the distance is automatically chosen based on the minimum possible size it can be given the box volume, then behaves as if a Quantity was passed in.

If None, the correction won’t be applied (units of length, default is None).

alchemical_regions : openmmtools.alchemy.AlchemicalRegion, optional

If specified, this is the AlchemicalRegion that will be passed to the AbsoluteAlchemicalFactory, otherwise the ligand will be alchemically modified according to the given protocol.

alchemical_factory : openmmtools.alchemy.AbsoluteAlchemicalFactory, optional

If specified, this AbsoluteAlchemicalFactory will be used instead of the one created with default options.

metadata : dict, optional

Simulation metadata to be stored in the file.

minimize(tolerance=Quantity(value=1.0, unit=kilojoule/(nanometer*mole)), max_iterations=0)[source]

Minimize all the states.

The minimization is performed in two steps. In the first one, the positions are minimized in the reference thermodynamic state (i.e. non alchemically-modified). Only then, the positions are minimized in their alchemically softened state.


tolerance : simtk.unit.Quantity, optional

Minimization tolerance (units of energy/mole/length, default is 1.0 * unit.kilojoules_per_mole / unit.nanometers).

max_iterations : int, optional

Maximum number of iterations for minimization. If 0, minimization continues until converged.

randomize_ligand(sigma_multiplier=2.0, close_cutoff=Quantity(value=1.5, unit=angstrom))[source]

Randomize the ligand positions in every state.

The position and orientation of the ligand in each state will be randomized. This works only if the system is a ligand-receptor system.

If you call this before minimizing, each positions will be minimized separately in the reference state, so you may want to call it afterwards to speed up minimization.


sigma_multiplier : float, optional

The ligand will be placed close to a random receptor atom at a distance that is normally distributed with standard deviation sigma_multiplier * receptor_radius_of_gyration (default is 2.0).

close_cutoff : simtk.unit.Quantity, optional

Each random placement proposal will be rejected if the ligand ends up being closer to the receptor than this cutoff (units of length, default is 1.5*unit.angstrom).

equilibrate(n_iterations, mcmc_moves=None)[source]

Equilibrate all states.


n_iterations : int

Number of equilibration iterations.

mcmc_moves : MCMCMove or list of MCMCMove, optional

Optionally, the MCMCMoves to use for equilibration can be different from the ones used in production.


Run the alchemical phase simulation.


n_iterations : int, optional

If specified, only at most the specified number of iterations will be run (default is None).


Extend the simulation by the given number of iterations.


n_iterations : int

The number of iterations to run.